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词汇 一枚硬币
例句 I pulled a coin from my bag and flipped it.我从包里拿出一枚硬币抛了出去。He dropped a coin into the slot and dialed.他往投币孔里投了一枚硬币,然后拨了电话。I flipped a coin, and the call was heads.我抛了一枚硬币,并喊是正面。I dropped a coin in the slot.我向狭缝中投了一枚硬币She inserted a coin into the slot.她把一枚硬币塞入了投币口。The ancient building was dated by a coin found in one of the rooms.在这座古建筑的一个房间里发现的一枚硬币揭示了它的建筑年代。Barry was holding a coin between his finger and thumb.巴里用食指和拇指捏着一枚硬币Christmas is a time when most of us are pleased to drop a coin in a collection box.圣诞时分,大多数人都乐于往募捐箱内投放一枚硬币The goalkeeper was felled by a coin thrown from the crowd.守门员被观众抛来的一枚硬币击倒。One of the coins was minted in Africa.其中一枚硬币是在非洲铸造的。He found a coin in his pocket and slipped it into her collecting tin.他摸到口袋里有一枚硬币,便匆匆丢进她的讨钱罐。He went to the ticket machine and put a coin in.他走向售票机把一枚硬币投进去。He placed a coin in the child's outstretched palm.他把一枚硬币放到了孩子张开的手掌上。




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