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词汇 一枚
例句 Jane was wearing a gold ring on her middle finger.简的中指上戴着一枚金戒指。She deserves a medal for putting up with him.冲着她对他的这份容忍,真应该给她颁发一枚勋章。A bullet meant for Riley snuffs out a passing gangster.一枚原本射向赖利的子弹意外击毙了一个路过的暴徒。Steve won a photography badge in the Boy Scouts.史蒂夫在男童子军里获得了一枚摄影奖章。A torpedo holed the ship below the water and it quickly sank.一枚鱼雷在水下把船给炸了个洞,船迅速下沉。One of the missiles came down in a heavily populated suburb of Beirut.其中一枚导弹落在贝鲁特一个人口密集的郊区。He won a medal in cross-country.他在越野滑雪中获得了一枚奖牌。The police defused a time bomb in the building.警察在那幢大楼里拆除了一枚定时炸弹。She is wearing a ring set with emerald.她戴著一枚嵌有绿宝石的戒指。His revelation was a bombshell.他披露的事情不啻一枚炸弹。They ran a sales promotion scheme in which a World Cup coin was given away with every four gallons of petrol purchased.他们正在搞促销活动,每购买四加仑汽油便可获赠一枚世界杯纪念币。He left a sapphire ring to her.他留给她一枚蓝宝石戒指。We dug up a Roman coin in the garden.我们在花园里掘到一枚罗马钱币。That's a whopper of a diamond ring.那是一枚超大钻戒。A shell struck the control tower.一枚炮弹击中了指挥塔台。With the right degree of application and dedication the team should win a medal.只要勤奋努力并且肯于付出,这个队应该会赢得一枚奖牌。He was wearing a badge with his name on.他戴了一枚徽章,上面有他的姓名。A rocket exploded with a blinding flash.随着一阵令人目眩的闪光,一枚火箭爆炸了。Cutting down the rainforest is an environmental time bomb.砍伐热带雨林对于环境来说是一枚定时炸弹。He wore the watch and chain looped round his neck like a medallion.他将链表绕挂在脖子上,就像戴了一枚大奖章。The pilot locked onto the ship and fired a missile.飞行员锁定了攻击船只,并发射了一枚导弹。A nuclear bomb could wipe the whole country off the map.一枚核弹可以毁掉整个国家。Each missile packs several warheads.一枚导弹都带有好几个弹头。He won a gold medal in diving.他夺得一枚跳水金牌。A nail on the road punctured the tyre.路上的一枚钉子把轮胎戳破了。It's a lovely ring, but I can't accept it.这是一枚很可爱的戒指,但我不能收。Urban guerrillas detonated a car bomb in front of the company's headquarters.城市游击队在公司总部前引爆了一枚汽车炸弹。She wore a diamond engagement ring.她戴着一枚钻石订婚戒指。There was a large ring on each of her stumpy fingers.她每根短粗的手指上都戴着一枚大戒指。My coat has lost a button.我的外套丢了一枚纽扣。Mr Lake was an important cog in the Republican campaign machine.莱克先生是共和党竞选机器中一枚重要的螺丝钉。Alan dropped another quarter into the slot on the pay phone.艾伦往付费电话的投币口里又塞了一枚二十五分的硬币。He became a pawn in the power struggle.他成了权力斗争中的一枚棋子。The book tells the story of the recovery of a stolen bomb by American agents.该书讲述的是美国特工人员找回一枚失窃炸弹的故事。There was a ring on each of his fingers.他每个手指上都戴着一枚戒指。The plane was shot down in error by a NATO missile.一枚北约的导弹误将那架飞机击落。China is planning to launch a space rocket later this month.中国计划于本月稍后时间发射一枚太空火箭。He was hailed as a hero, mentioned in dispatches, and finally given a medal.他被奉为英雄,受到了通报表扬并最终获得了一枚奖章。She won silver in the pole vault for Australia.她为澳大利亚赢得了一枚撑竿跳高银牌。A gold pin set off her dark dress.一枚金饰针使她那深色的连衣裙更显眼。




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