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He has achieved success by the sheer strength of his personality.他全凭自己人格的力量获得了成功。Many of the remarks were degrading to women and minorities.许多话都有辱妇女和少数族裔的人格。The man who cut the schoolgirl's throat was sentenced to life imprisonment because psychoanalysis revealed that he is a sociopath.那个切断女孩喉咙的犯人被判无期徒刑,因为心理分析师认为他有反社会人格。The third exception allows employees to seek damages for outrageous acts related to termination, including character defamation.第三条例外条款规定,如果雇用方在解聘员工时做出人格诽谤等无礼行为,员工可以寻求赔偿。Advertisements like this demean women.这类广告有辱妇女的人格。His comment is demeaning to women.他的评论有损女性的人格。You're on your honour not to go into my room.依你的人格,相信你不会进我的房间。They tried to slur his character/reputation.他们试图诋毁他的人格/声誉。Certain personality traits make people more likely to become victims of violent crime.某些人格特点使人容易成为暴力罪案的受害人。These questions help doctors diagnose personality disorders.这些问题有助于医生诊断人格错乱。The new theory is a refinement of Corbin's theory of personality development.这个新理论是对科尔宾人格发展理论的完善。The remark was not intended to be a slight on his character.这一评论并不是要侮辱他的人格。The individual's whole personality appears to be permanently warped.这个人的整个人格似乎被永远地扭曲了。He went down in my opinion as soon as he mentioned sex.他一提到性,在我的心目中他的人格就显得不那么高尚了。It's insulting when people assume I must be a racist because I'm from the South.就因为我是从南方来的,大家都认定我是个种族主义者,这是对我人格的侮辱。Certain personality traits made her unpopular.她身上的某些人格品质使她不受欢迎。In multiple personality disorder, the alternate personalities have distinct characteristics, names, and histories.在多种人格障碍中,每种人格有独特的性格、名字和生平。Don't cast your nasturtiums on my character.别对我的人格进行诽谤。Pornography is degrading to women and to the men that look at it.色情作品有辱女性人格,看它的男人也自贬了身份。The moment you sell yourself is the moment you lose touch with what it was you wanted to do.你出卖自己人格的那一刻正是你背离自己梦想的那一刻。The press conference simply provided more fodder for another attack on his character.记者招待会只不过是提供了更多的再次击他人格的口实。Donald Trump's utterance of sexually predatory remarks is a degradation of his personality.川普说出性掠夺的话是对他人格的降级。The study found that some alcoholics had clear personality traits showing up early in childhood.研究发现一些酗酒者在童年早期就显现出鲜明的人格特征。She doesn't criticize her opponent's character directly. She has her hatchet men in the media do it for her.她不直接抨击对手的人格,而是让她在媒体的雇用诽谤者为她效力。He accused him of knowingly spreading falsehoods in an effort to blacken my character.他指控他蓄意散布虚假信息以玷污我的人格。She rejoiced in her new-found independence.她因新近才获得的独立人格而高兴。He deliberately spread lies in an effort to blacken my character.为了玷污我的人格,他蓄意散布谎言。He degraded himself by cheating and telling lies.他因欺骗、撒谎而损害了自己的人格。She says beauty pageants objectify women.她说选美比赛是对女性人格的物化。He would sue for defamation of character.他会因人格受到侮辱而提起诉讼。In Jungian theory, there are certain archetypes of human personality.根据荣格理论,人格存在一些特定原型。She sued the paper for defamation of character.她控告该报诽谤人格。He has gone up in my estimation since he did that.自从他做了那件事以后,在我的心目中他的人格显得更高尚了。He has this theory that suffering can ennoble a person's character.他认为苦难可以使一个人的人格变得高尚。The scandal spotted his character.那件丑闻玷污了他的人格。The comments cast a slur on her character.那些评论诋毁了她的人格。 |