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词汇 亲朋好友
例句 A large constellation of relatives and friends attended the funeral.一大群亲朋好友参加了葬礼。Finance for a sole trader usually comes from the individual's own savings or from family and friends.个体户的资金通常来自个人积蓄或亲朋好友Friends and family are invited to a reception after the ceremony.庆典结束后,亲朋好友们应邀出席宴会。Relatives and friends showered good wishes on the bride and bridegroom.亲朋好友纷纷向新娘新郎祝福。Fundraising from family and friends often comes to a sticky end because there are rarely formal arrangements.因为很少有正式的协议,从亲朋好友处筹款经常会闹得特别不愉快。We threw a big party for all our friends and relations. 我们举办了一个大型聚会,邀请了所有的亲朋好友Many friends and relatives were present at their marriage.许多亲朋好友参加了他们的婚礼。Among his intimate friends his studied reserve was doffed.置身于亲朋好友之中,他不再故作姿态地保持沉默。The longest stayers are the British, who visit Australia to see friends and relatives.逗留时间最长的是来澳大利亚看望亲朋好友的英国人。When customers recommend our company to friends and family members, we consider that to be the highest/best compliment we can get.在我们看来,顾客向亲朋好友推荐我们公司就是对我们最高/好的嘉奖。The victim's widow was today being comforted by family and friends.今天受害者的遗孀得到了亲朋好友的慰问。The funeral hearse was followed by cars full of friends, and a company of Life Guards brought up the rear.灵车后面跟随着一辆辆坐满亲朋好友的小汽车,一个近卫骑兵团殿后。Social networking sites allow you to connect up with friends and relatives.社交网站使你能和亲朋好友交流。On the day of her funeral the church was packed with friends and relatives.她葬礼的那天教堂里挤满了她的亲朋好友




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