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词汇 亲切
例句 His mother sounded very nice on the phone.他妈妈的声音在电话中听起来很亲切Leonard approached with a disarming smile.伦纳德带着亲切的微笑走上去。I have never revisited my birthplace for fear of spoiling my dear memories.我生怕破坏了对往事亲切的回忆,所以再也不曾重访出生地。She smiled sweetly at him.她朝他亲切地微笑。His genial smile was spotted on everyone in turn.他依次向每个人投来亲切的微笑。He had a nice, serious sort of smile.他的笑容亲切而严肃。He smiled benignly at his students.他对学生亲切地微笑。Her handshake was firm and her smile warm.她握手有力,微笑亲切Nearly everyone was on a first-name basis.几乎人人都用名字相互称呼以示亲切He spoke to everyone with the easy/relaxed familiarity of an old friend.他和每个人说话都像个老朋友似的亲切、随和。Many patients like the informality of being called by their first name.许多病人喜欢医生以名相称,显得亲切Using 'I' adds directness to a piece of writing.采用第一人称会使文章更显亲切When a customer walks in, she switches on the charm.一有顾客走进来,她就马上装出亲切可人的样子。A bunch of fresh flowers on the table always looks welcoming.在桌上放一束鲜花看上去总让人感到亲切惬意。He put a friendly hand on his friend's knee.亲切地把手放在朋友的膝盖上。He was affectionately remembered for his selflessness.由于无私无我,他留在人们亲切的记忆里。He treated her with the easy familiarity of an equal.他对她就像是对平等身份的人那样亲切随和。He gave me a cheery wink as I passed by.我走过的时候他亲切地朝我眨眨眼睛。She gave Tom a big smile and pressed his arm affectionately.她给了汤姆一个大大的笑脸,亲切地搂住了他的胳膊。Dr Saito has a warm, genial manner.斋藤博士态度热情、亲切Fawcett gave me a hearty handshake.福西特和我亲切地握了握手。He offered me a warm greeting and invited me in.亲切地和我打招呼,请我进去。His friendly smile was reassuring.亲切的笑容让人安心。He is a big fat man with a kind genial face.他是个大胖子,一脸的和气亲切His greeting was familiar and friendly.他的问候亲切而友好。The friendliness was gone from his voice.他的声音已不再亲切Josh was, I thought, a pleasant but unremarkable young man.我以为乔希是一个亲切可爱,但是很普通的年轻人。We chatted amiably about old friends.我们亲切地谈起了老朋友。He gave his brother a hearty slap on the back to congratulate him.亲切地拍了拍弟弟的后背以示祝贺。He was genial to/toward everyone.他对每个人都很亲切He has a lovely warm smile.他的笑容亲切而迷人。He flashed his benevolent and almost charming smile.他脸上闪现出亲切的笑容,简直令人着迷。Even to himself the geniality rang false.这种亲切话连他自己听起来都觉得假。Within, the hotel is simple and friendly with a small lounge and a breakfast room.旅馆里有一间小休息室和早餐厅,既简朴又让人感到亲切He was kind and affectionate, but very serious.他仁慈、亲切,但非常严肃。Even to himself the geniality rang false and he came to a stop.这种亲切的语气他自己听来都显得虚伪,于是他停了下来。The warmth of her voice made him feel less nervous.亲切的声音使他感到不那么紧张了。The kitchen smelled warm and inviting and comfortingly familiar.这间厨房的味道温馨诱人,使人感到亲切舒适。He is an extremely pleasant and obliging man.他是个非常友善、亲切的人。He gave her a brotherly kiss on the cheek.亲切地在她脸上吻了一下。




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