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词汇 产后
例句 She had a bad case of the baby blues.她患有严重的产后抑郁症。In general, the survey showed problems with postnatal hospital care.总体而言,调查显示医院的产后护理存在问题。She presented with postnatal depression.她出现了产后抑郁症。Mothers today are not confined for long but soon after confinement are up and about.现在妈妈们坐月子的时间不长,而是产后很快就起床走动。Although post-natal depression can affect any new mum, there are factors that predispose a woman.尽管每一个刚做妈妈的女性都可能患上产后抑郁,但有些因素容易诱发此病症。It's very common for new mothers to have a fit of the blues after giving birth.初为人母的妇女产后出现忧郁情绪是很正常的。Some mothers return to full-time work only a few weeks after their baby is born.有些母亲产后仅仅数周又开始了全日制工作。She suffered some degree of postnatal depression.她患某种程度的产后抑郁症。Post-natal depression is no respecter of persons.产后抑郁很常见。Enteroceles most commonly occur where the muscles of the pelvis are weakened after childbirth.肠疝最常出现在产后骨盆肌肉衰弱的地方。




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