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词汇 交替
例句 The necklace is made by alternating glass beads with shells.这条项链是玻璃珠和贝壳交替穿成的。Twist your body, alternating right and left stretches.扭动身体,向左和向右交替伸展。She yodeled a song.她用真假嗓音交替唱法唱了一首歌。Many plants alternate an active period with a period of dormancy.许多植物的活动期和休眠期是互相交替的。He worked alternate night and day shifts.他夜班日班交替做。Ambulance crews alternate between emergency and routine work.救护车的工作小组交替做急救工作和常规工作。Periods of depression alternate with excited behavior.沮丧期与兴奋交替出现。Leroy alternated aerobic exercises with weight training to improve his stamina.勒罗伊交替做有氧操和负重练习,以增强耐力。He is letting out the rope hand over hand.他双手交替着一节节放出绳索。Right now we are in the changeover period between autumn and winter.眼下,我们正处于秋冬交替的时候。To make the appetizer, you should use alternating layers of tomatoes and cheese.做这道开胃菜,你应该把西红柿和干酪分层交替摆放。Economic life moves in cycles of peaks and troughs.经济活动在高峰和低谷循环交替He uses the terms interchangeably.交替使用这几个术语。They traded off with each other several years for first place in the tennis tournament.多年来他俩交替获得网球赛的冠军。The guide explained the situation, alternating between Spanish and German.向导交替用西班牙语和德语解释情况。To make the appetizer, you should alternate layers of tomatoes and cheese. 做这道开胃菜,你应该把西红柿和干酪分层交替摆放。In research, times of discouragement alternate with times of great achievement.在研究过程中,灰心丧气与取得伟大成就的时刻交替出现。Now you just alternate layers of that mixture and eggplant.现在你只需把茄子和拌料一层层交替放好。For the best results, you should alternate between yoga and weightlifting every other day.为了达到最佳效果,你应该每隔一天交替练习瑜伽和举重。Lay the shapes on the fabric, alternating the colours.把这些式样放在织物上,交替使用不同的颜色。




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