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At the police station, she was grilled for twenty-four hours.她在警察局被拷问了二十四小时。Goods are normally dispatched within 24 hours.货物一般在二十四小时内发送。Round-the-clock service features this store.二十四小时服务是这家商店的特色。Forty demonstrators have set up a twenty-four-hour picket.四十个示威者组织了二十四小时的罢工纠察。The store is open twenty-four hours a day. 这家商店二十四小时营业。The number of deaths has risen to more than two dozen.死亡人数已增至二十四人以上。That chatterbox would talk 24 hours a day if she didn't sleep at night.那个话匣子如果晚上不用睡觉的话,可以二十四小时喋喋不休。She was interrogated without respite for twenty-four hours.她被不间断地审问了二十四小时。The job entailed being on call twenty-four hours a day.这份工作要求在一天二十四小时内随叫随到。Eight into twenty-four is three.二十四除以八等于三。 |