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词汇 tornado
例句 A powerful tornado wreaked havoc on the small village.一场猛烈的龙卷风给这个小村庄造成了极大的破坏。Dozens of houses were flattened by the tornado.几十座房屋被龙卷风夷为平地。The tornado laid the house flat.龙卷风把房屋刮倒了。TV viewers saw the giant funnel of a tornado speeding across the fields.电视观众看到巨大的漏斗状龙卷风从田野上疾扫而过。The town was destroyed by the raw power of the tornado.镇子被肆虐的龙卷风所摧毁。McMullen County is expecting a possible tornado.麦克马伦县预计可能有龙卷风来袭。The sirens sounded, warning of a tornado.警报响了起来,警告飓风要来了。The building was badly damaged in a tornado.这幢建筑物在龙卷风中遭到严重破坏。The National Weather Service has reported several tornado sightings in Illinois.美国国家气象局报道说在伊利诺伊州出现了几次龙卷风。Hundreds of homes were flattened by the tornado.数百户住宅被龙卷风夷为平地。The city virtually disappeared in a tornado.该城被龙卷风刮得几乎无影无踪。The tornado destroyed everything in its path.龙卷风所经之处一切尽毁。There are tornado watches in effect all across eastern Alabama.整个亚拉巴马州东部都发布了龙卷风预警。The tornado destroyed two houses near Tulsa.这场龙卷风摧毁了靠近塔尔萨的两栋房屋。One tornado ripped off the roof of a high school.一场龙卷风把一所中学的屋顶掀掉了。A powerful tornado touched down in Evansville, Indiana.强龙卷风降临印第安纳州埃文斯维尔。The tornado left a trail of destruction behind it.龙卷风所经之地留下了一片狼藉。A huge tornado ripped through two states.一场巨大的龙卷风猛烈扫过了两个州。They're in charge of issuing the tornado watches.他们负责发布龙卷风警情。A tornado whirled into town.龙卷风刮进了城里。The tornado claimed dozens of lives.那场龙卷风夺去了几十条人命。The town was hit by a tornado last night.该镇昨夜遭到龙卷风袭击。Scientists can trace the path of the tornado.科学家们可以追踪龙卷风的行进路线。Hundreds of houses were levelled by the tornado.数百幢房子被龙卷风夷为平地。It was a close call for residents when a tornado swept through just west of the town. 龙卷风从镇子的西边一点刮过,对住在那里的人来说真是侥幸逃过一劫。When the tornado hit, they did well to escape uninjured.龙卷风来袭时,他们侥幸逃离,没有受伤。We had a tornado warning earlier in the evening.刚到傍晚我们就听到了龙卷风警报。The tornado cut a swath through the county.龙卷风席卷了这个县。We have tornado watches in effect for a lot of Florida.我们对佛罗里达州很多地区的龙卷风实施监控。The National Weather Service has reported several tornado sightings in Illinois.国家气象局报告称伊利诺伊州有人目击了几场龙卷风。The tornado left a trail of devastation in its wake.龙卷风过后留下了破坏的痕迹。




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