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词汇 Toronto
例句 Toronto's outrageous mayor was in rare form during his speech last night.多伦多市让人讨厌的市长昨晚发表演讲时表现得特别精彩。Sales have fallen dramatically in Houston and Toronto.休斯敦和多伦多的销售量大幅下降。Lewis stopped off in Jamaica before flying on to Toronto.刘易斯在牙买加稍作停留,然后继续飞往多伦多。She rejoined her husband in Toronto, after her holiday in Paris.去巴黎度假后,她又回到了多伦多她丈夫身边。He thought you'd been brought in from Toronto to help out the local police.他认为你是从多伦多调过来协助当地警方工作的。From Toronto you can connect to all other Air Canada destinations.从多伦多可以转机到达加拿大航空公司的所有其他目通航城市。Tom moved out of his apartment in Toronto last month.汤姆上个月搬出了他在多伦多的公寓。How much is the train fare from Toronto to Montreal?多伦多到蒙特利尔的火车票多少钱?I hear you're moving to Toronto.我听人说你要搬往多伦多去了。The movie had its world premiere at the Toronto Film Festival.该电影在多伦多电影节上全球首映。Ernest roamed Europe as a roving reporter for the Toronto Star.欧内斯特作为《多伦多星报》的巡回记者在欧洲各地游历。The Cup was won for the third consecutive year by the Toronto Maple Leafs.多伦多枫叶队连续第三年捧杯。Have a look in the travel agent's and see if there are any flights to Toronto going cheap.到旅行社查一下,看看是否有去多伦多的打折机票。Toronto hospital maternity wards were filled to capacity.多伦多医院的产房都已住满了。Montreal is roughly equidistant from New York, Boston, and Toronto.从蒙特利尔到纽约,与到波士顿或多伦多的距离差不多相等。Two local high school hoopster have been selected for the All-Canada evaluation camp this weekend at Humber College in Toronto.有两个本地高中篮球运动员入选了本周在多伦多汉博学院举办的全加拿大篮球评价营。Toronto's only about an hour and a half away by car.开车去多伦多的话约一个半小时的路程。It was a stroke of genius to film the movie in Toronto.在多伦多拍摄这部影片真是高明之举。Many in Toronto's black community feel that the justice system does not treat them fairly.多伦多的黑人群体中有很多人觉得司法制度对待他们有失公正。When we were first married we lived in Toronto.我们刚结婚时住在多伦多。I decided to keep a diary of our trip to Toronto.我决定把我们去多伦多的旅程记到日记里。He went to Toronto, where he leased an apartment.他去了多伦多,在那儿租了一间公寓。The World Series between the Atlanta Braves and Toronto Blue Jays is tied at one game apiece.世界系列赛上,亚特兰大勇士队和多伦多蓝鸟队双方各赢一场,战成平局。Except for a patina of charisma, he was like a thousand other bright young men in Toronto.除了有点儿魅力外,他和多伦多其他众多机灵的年轻小伙子没有两样。The Toronto subway is a jarring, disorienting experience.在多伦多乘坐地铁会让人晕头转向,令人心烦。Toronto almost stole the game.多伦多队差点赢下了比赛。




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