例句 |
Confusion reigns when two managers give conflicting instructions.两位经理给出的指示相互矛盾,一切都乱套了。Many Americans think their legal system has gone haywire.很多美国人认为他们的司法体系已经乱套了。All things here are out of joint.这里的一切都乱套了。The movie starts out well, but the story doesn't hang together after the first hour.电影的开头部分很精彩,但演了一个小时后故事情节就乱套了。It all starts to go wrong when Liz bursts the seams on her dress.莉兹连衣裙的接缝绽开之后一切都乱套了。Everything keeps going wrong.一切都乱套了。 |