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She still corresponds with American friends she met in Majorca nine years ago.她与九年前在马略卡岛认识的美国朋友依然有书信往来。Our long courtship had been conducted mostly by letter.我们的恋爱长跑主要靠书信往来维持。He has been in correspondence with me about the problem.关于这个问题,他一直跟我有书信往来。The two men began a correspondence that would continue throughout their lives.这两个男人开始了书信往来,并一直延续了一生。The two young people began to correspond.这两个年轻人开始书信往来。We kept up a correspondence for many months.我们保持了好几个月的书信往来。Their correspondence continued after Gilbert's marriage.他们之间的书信往来在吉尔伯特结婚后并没有中断。 |