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词汇 the day before
例句 We chanced on him in the park the day before yesterday.我们前天在公园里碰巧遇到他。Why would she disappear the day before her holiday? It just doesn't add up.她为什么会在假期的前一天不见踪影了呢?这不合情理呀。The morning was cool; a welcome change from the heat of the day before.早晨凉快了,和前一天的炎热相比好多了。This note to the bank matured the day before yesterday.这张银行票据前天到期了。She wrote to Roosevelt's secretary in answer to his letter of the day before.她写了信给罗斯福的秘书,回复罗斯福前一天的来信。Elections were postponed the day before polling was due to take place.在原定投票日的前一天,选举推迟了。If today is Friday, the day before yesterday was Wednesday.假如今天是星期五,前天就是星期三。Excitement rose to fever pitch the day before the game.比赛的前一天人们兴奋到了极点。She put on a rumpled shirt she had worn the day before.她穿上了那件前一天穿过的、皱巴巴的衬衫。She arrived the day before yesterday.她是前天到的。We chanced upon him in the park the day before yesterday.我们前天在公园里碰巧遇到他。I got back home the day before yesterday.我前天回家了。The whole house was a hive of activity on the day before the wedding.婚礼的前一天,整幢房子里是一派忙碌的景象。She rescued Sandy from the Animal Shelter the day before he was due to be put to sleep.就在桑迪要被人道杀死的前一天,她把它从动物收容所救了出来。Few of the people who became sick related their symptoms to the food they'd eaten the day before.生病的人一般都不会把他们的症状跟前一天所吃的食物联系起来。It's Sod's Law: the day before you go on holiday, someone offers you a job.事情总是这么不凑巧:在你要去度假的前一天有人给你提供了一份工作。The soldiers recaptured the hill they had lost the day before.战士们夺回了前一天失守的山丘。She considered it poor etiquette to invite people over and then cancel just the day before.她认为发出邀请后又在前一天将其取消是很不得体的。I chose the day before her departure to make the announcement.我决定在她离开的前一天宣布这件事。She gave birth to a healthy baby boy the day before yesterday. 前天她生下一个健康的男婴。The winds had touched storm-force the day before.前一天风力已经达到了狂风级。I'd just packed in a job the day before.我前天刚刚辞了工作。A few journalists were allowed to view the art exhibition the day before it opened.几名记者获准在艺术展览开幕的前一天先行参观。He made a date with a girl he met the day before.他同前一天遇到的一个姑娘约好了见面。I was summoned two drafts for the speech the day before.他们要求我在演讲的前一天准备好两篇演讲稿。It had all started to go wrong the day before.从前一天开始一切都变得不正常。They didn't pull their finger out until the day before the exam.直到考试前一天他们才开始用功。He had made a date with a girl he had met the day before.他和前一天遇到的那个女孩定下了约会。It happened the day before yesterday. = It happened two days ago.这件事发生在前天。If time is tight, cook the chicken the day before.如果时间紧的话,提前一天把鸡肉煮好。The vegetables can be prepared the day before.蔬菜可以提前一天准备好。I called her the day before yesterday.我前天给她打了电话。She and Woolley had spent the day before their capture stealing handbags.她和伍利被抓的前一天在偷手提包。Another fairly common belief is that dreams reproduce the events of the day before.另一个普遍的观念是,梦境再现了白天的生活。Agassi had just arrived in Australia the day before.阿加西前一天刚到澳大利亚。




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