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词汇 the deep
例句 She jumped in the pool at the deep end.她跳入游泳池的深水区。The agency gave his ideas the deep six.经销处对他的意见置之不理。Tony and I trudged home through the deep snow.我和托尼费力地穿过深深的积雪走回家。He rounded a sharp bend, and suddenly the deep blue Mediterranean lay before him.他拐了个急弯,忽然间那深蓝色的地中海就在眼前。The troops were hidden by the deep folds of the ground.部队隐蔽在深深的谷地中。She couldn't quite conceal the deep disappointment she felt.她无法掩饰深深的失望之情。Remaining in the deep water for a while, she begins to kick her way up towards the surface.她在深水中逗留片刻之后开始踢打着水向水面游去。She bust loose from the deep water.她脱离了困境。The horse jumped across the deep ditch.那匹马跳过了那条深沟。We struggled through the deep snow back to the chalet.我们踩着厚厚的积雪艰难地回到了小木屋。We walked in the deep snow.我们在厚厚的积雪中行走。My horse jumped across the deep ravine, but all the others balked.我的马跃过深谷,但其余的马都突然停止不动。Her friends thought she had gone off the deep end when she suddenly decided to quit her job.当她突然决定辞职时,朋友们都认为她疯了。They rode out in the deep of night.他们半夜三更骑马出去了。The horses were floundering through the deep snow.马匹在深雪中艰难行进。The horse's eyes were filled with terror as it struggled to free itself from the deep, sucking mud.那匹马要从越陷越深的泥沼里挣脱出来时眼里充满着恐惧。She decided to jump in at the deep end, buy a farm, and teach herself.她决定独闯难关,买下一个农场,自己摸索着干。They used the swimming-pool, rode, lazed in the deep shade of the oaks in the heat of the day.他们去游泳池游泳,去骑马,一天之中最热之时在橡树的浓阴下消磨时间。Anna couldn't swim and was left floundering about in the deep end of the swimming-pool.安娜不会游泳,在游泳池的深水区挣扎着。There is a fire in the deep of space and the stars are vibrant colours.太空深处里有一团火,星星的色彩都很明亮。After his wife died, he started going off the deep end.妻子去世后,他开始变得脾气暴躁起来。Their visit has served to underline the deep divisions between the two countries.他们的访问凸显了两国间分歧的严重程度。The reason many people fail on diets is that they jump in at the deep end, making a complete change to their eating habits.很多人节食失败的原因是他们对节食一窍不通,一下子完全改变了饮食习惯。She sank into the deep sofa.她身体陷到深深的沙发里。No one will lie down under the deep humiliation.谁也不会甘心忍受这一奇耻大辱。They lowered him down to the bottom of the deep shaft.他们把他放到深深的井底。He went off the deep end when I refused to answer.当我拒绝回答时,他发火了。Philologists puzzle over the origins of Basque in the way that geologists puzzle over the deep structure of faults.正如地质学家对断层的深层结构感到窘惑一样,历史语言学家也对巴斯克语的来源迷惑不解。He couldn't hide the deep distaste that he felt for many of their customs.他无法掩饰对他们许多习俗的强烈反感。He left home in the deep of the night. 他半夜三更离开了家。They got lost in the deep of the forest.他们在森林深处迷了路。Kelly swore quietly, looking at the deep cut on his left hand.凯利看着自己左手上深深的伤口,嘴里暗骂了一句。Strong nationalist sentiment is compounding the deep political problems faced by the President.强烈的民族主义情绪使总统面临的严重的政治问题更为复杂。He slogged through the deep snow.他在深深的积雪里艰难行进。In a fit of bad temper, Dougie threw the deep fat fryer overboard.一气之下,道吉把那个又深又大的油炸锅扔了。Ploughing through the deep snow in my high boots,I finally reached the farmhouse.穿着高统靴艰难地在深雪里前进,最终我到了农庄的住宅。Unable to go out because of the deep snow, she felt imprisoned in her own house.她因雪深无法外出,感觉自己像被囚在了屋内。She lay in the deep bath for a long time, enjoying its sensuously perfumed water.她在一个深浴缸里泡了半天,享受着舒服而充满芳香的沐浴。After graduating, he was not afraid to jump in at the deep end and start his new business alone.毕业之后,他毅然决定下海,独自创业。She felt caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. 她觉得进退两难。




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