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词汇 义愤填膺
例句 His angry speech inflamed the mob.他那义愤填膺的演说令民众群情激愤。He was full of righteous indignation about the attack.他对这次袭击事件义愤填膺Most people were outraged by the bombing, and their letters of sympathy reflected this sentiment.大多数人对这次爆炸事件都义愤填膺,他们的慰问信反映出了这种情绪。They were full of righteous indignation at the thought of being cheated.一想到受骗了他们就义愤填膺Reports of torture and mass executions in Serbia's detention camps have outraged the world's religious leaders.关于塞尔维亚拘留营中严刑拷打和大肆处决的报道令全世界的宗教领袖义愤填膺He was full of righteous indignation.义愤填膺You would have to have a flinty heart not to feel outraged.除非你有一副铁石心肠,否则都会感到义愤填膺I'm aflame with indignation.义愤填膺Reasonable people everywhere will be outraged by this atrocity.无论在哪里任何有理智的人都会对这种暴行义愤填膺Indignation flamed in her heart.义愤填膺A well-constructed troll will provoke irate or confused responses from flamers and newbies.精心策划的网络怪论会诱发易冲动的网友和网络新手作出种种回复,有义愤填膺的,有充满困惑的。She wrote an indignant letter to the paper complaining about the council's action.她给报纸写了一封义愤填膺的信抗议市政会的做法。He was burning with indignation.义愤填膺The proposal has provoked howls of Gallic indignation.该提议令法国人义愤填膺The whole country bristled with indignation.举国上下义愤填膺We were outraged when we heard the rapist had only got a two year sentence.听说强奸犯只判了两年徒刑,我们感到义愤填膺The news was greeted with outrage.这个消息使人义愤填膺




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