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词汇 早餐
例句 His breakfast consists of dry bread and a cup of tea.他的早餐由不涂黄油的面包和一杯茶组成。I bet you make breakfast and wash up their plates, too.我肯定是你做的早餐并且清洗了他们的餐具。We ate a hearty breakfast before we set off.我们出发前吃了一顿丰盛的早餐She tucked into a breakfast of bacon and eggs.她大口地吃着咸肉和鸡蛋作成的早餐I wolfed down my breakfast but still felt hungry.我狼吞虎咽地把早餐吃完,可还是觉得饿。After breakfast, there will still be enough time for bathing and dressing.用过早餐后,还有足够时间洗澡和穿衣打扮。The American breakfast is getting more healthful, with whole-grain breads and high-fiber cereals.美国人的早餐越来越健康,有全麦面包和高纤维的谷物食品。The dirty breakfast dishes were still in the sink when we got home.我们回到家的时候,早餐用过的餐具还在水池里。As usual, she had bread and egg for breakfast.她照例吃面包和鸡蛋作早餐Still half asleep, Jenny began to make the kids' breakfast.珍妮还睡眼惺忪时就开始为孩子们准备早餐了。There were grilled kidneys for Sunday breakfast.周日早餐有烤腰子。When he arrived at the train station, he hurried through his breakfast, manifestly ill at ease and keeping a sharp eye about him.到达火车站后,他匆忙吃完早餐,显然很不自在,并警惕地注视四周。For breakfast, they had dry bread and tea.他们早餐吃了无黄油的面包,还喝了茶。She dashed off without finishing her breakfast.她还没吃完早餐便匆匆出发了。After an early awakening, we had a big breakfast.我们很早醒了,尔后吃了一顿丰盛的早餐We found a cheap bed and breakfast near the coast.我们在海边找了一家提供廉价住宿和早餐的小旅馆。They tucked into a hearty breakfast of eggs.他们早餐狼吞虎咽地吃了很多鸡蛋。I scarfed down breakfast in my car on the way to work.上班路上我就在车上狼吞虎咽吃了早餐He went at his breakfast as if he'd never eaten before.他像一辈子没吃过饭似地大啖早餐A good breakfast will fortify you for the day's work.早餐吃得好会提高你一天的工作效率。He hoped that the breakfast he had ordered would not be a fiasco.他希望自己叫的那份早餐不至于难以下咽。Father's Sunday breakfast in bed was a family institution.星期天父亲在床上用早餐是家中习以为常的一种惯例。We stayed at a comfortable bed and breakfast.我们住在一家提供住宿加早餐服务的舒适的小旅馆。We ate bacon and eggs for breakfast.我们早餐吃了培根和鸡蛋。I had toast for breakfast.早餐吃了烤面包片。What do you want for breakfast - cereal or toast?早餐你吃什么—谷类食物还是烤面包片?You try to get some sleep, I'll see to the children's breakfast.你去睡一会儿,我来料理孩子们的早餐A big breakfast of bacon, egg and fried bread faced me when I had finished my ablutions.沐浴完毕,摆着培根、鸡蛋和烤面包的丰盛早餐出现在我面前。There's no extra charge for breakfast.早餐不另收费。Have you decided what you'd like for breakfast?你决定早餐吃什么了吗?Joey was downstairs getting the kids their breakfast.乔伊在楼下给孩子们准备早餐He juiced a few oranges for his breakfast.他用了几只橙子榨汁作早餐饮料。I missed breakfast and I am famished.我没吃上早餐,现在饿得要死。Sunday mornings she gets up late and then has a leisurely breakfast with her family.星期天早上她起得很晚,然后悠闲地和家人一起用早餐I had pancakes for breakfast.早餐吃了薄煎饼。I think we should get up early and leave before breakfast.我想我们应该早点起床,早餐前出发。Poached eggs on toast is a good breakfast.水煮荷包蛋加吐司是很好的早餐Downstairs, on the second floor, Michael served Mona breakfast.楼下的二层,迈克尔为莫娜端上了早餐The boy dabbled with his breakfast cereal.男孩拨弄着早餐时吃的麦片粥玩。I decided I'd leave straight after breakfast.我决定早餐后立即动身。




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