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词汇 早该
例句 What are you doing out of bed - you're supposed to be asleep.你不睡觉起来干什么——你早该睡着了。His daughter should have stood up and put a stop to all these rumours.他的女儿早该站出来平息所有这些谣言。She should have told the old bitch to kiss off a long time ago.她就早该让那个糟老太婆走开。This project should have been strangled at birth.这个项目早该被扼杀在摇篮里。It is high time to consider the problem on a global scale.早该从全球视角考虑这个问题了。I might have known I'd find you with some little slut.早该知道你会跟哪个小娼妇在一起。You should have told them - it wasn't playing the game to keep it secret.早该告诉他们——对这件事保密是不公道的。Philip is going to be punished and not before time.菲利普将会受到惩罚,他早该有此报。It is high time the Government displayed a more humanitarian approach towards victims of the recession.政府早该对受到经济衰退影响的人们采取更加人性化的救助措施。Cuts in funding have meant that equipment has been kept in service long after it should have been replaced.资金削减意味着早该换掉的设备一直还在用。What a rotten sneak! I should have known not to trust her.真是个卑劣的小人!我早该知道不能相信她。That'll teach you to lend her money.早该小心,不该借钱给她。That change was long overdue.那场变革早该进行。His promotion is long overdue. = He is long overdue for a promotion. 早该升职了。The line-up includes a number of rock-n-roll dinosaurs who should have hung up their guitars long ago.参加演出的还有几个早该放下吉他退出舞台的过气摇滚乐团。You should have made it plain to us what you were planning to do.早该跟我们说清楚你打算做什么。I'll go home and pay an overdue visit to my mother.我将回家看望母亲,其实我早该回去了。Repairs on that building are long overdue.那栋楼房早该修缮了。I should have warned you about her sensitivity to criticism.早该警告你,她对别人的批评十分敏感。You could have told me I had a snotty nose!早该告诉我我在流鼻涕!The virus is getting more and more attention, and not before time.这种病毒正受到越来越多的关注,其实早该如此。They're finally going to change things, and not before time, too. 他们终于要改变了,早该如此。




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