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词汇 主编
例句 The chief editor spends a lot on smokes and liquor each year.主编每年在烟酒两项上花费很大。She has just been fired as editor of the newspaper.她刚刚被炒,丢掉了这家报纸主编的职位。Cummings is the editor of a local newspaper.卡明斯是一家地方报纸的主编He edited a daily paper before he came to teach at our college.他来我们学院任教之前充任过一份日报的主编The new paper will be headed by Rebecca Jones, sometime editor of the "Daily News".这份新报纸的主编是曾经担任《每日新闻》主编的丽贝卡·琼斯。Dan Dorfman, the influential financial columnist, was fired by Money magazine, the magazine's managing editor said Wednesday.具影响力的金融专栏作家丹·多尔夫曼已被《财富》杂志解雇,这是该杂志策划主编在星期三说的。He edits the local newspaper.他是这份地方报纸的主编He may have had some suspicions of Michael Foster, the editor of the journal.他可能对杂志主编迈克尔·福斯特有些怀疑。I used to edit the college paper in the old days.以前我曾经做过大学校报的主编The newspaper's editor resigned after the scandal.这个报刊的主编在丑闻发生后辞职了。The newspaper editor is obviously in bed with the president.报纸的主编显然是与总统站在一边的。The editor bowed to pressure from his staff, and the article was suppressed.主编屈从于编辑人员的压力,没有发表这篇文章。Superintendent Fairbairn was still clucking at the photographers, warning them he'd be speaking to their editor.费尔贝恩警长还在表达对摄影师们的不满,警告说他会和他们的主编谈谈。He edits a national newspaper.他是一家国家级报纸的主编That paper's really gone off since they got that new editor.那份报纸自从换了那个新主编后,可读性大大降低。She edits a prestigious medical journal.她是一家声望很高的医学期刊的主编She used to edit the Observer.她曾主编过《观察家报》。The editor's decision is final.主编的决定是不可改变的。The Editor decided not to run the story until all the facts were known.主编决定待一切水落石出之后再作报道。Superintendent Fairbairn was still clucking at the photographers, warning them he'd be speaking to their editor.费尔贝恩警长还在对摄影师们啧啧地表示不满,警告说要跟他们的主编谈谈。The editor sent one of his hacks to interview the murderer's girlfriend.主编派了一名蹩脚记者去采访凶手的女友。Under his editorship, the Economist has introduced regular sports coverage.在他担任主编时,《经济学人》加入了定期的体育报道。Arch Ward became sports editor of the Chicago Tribune.阿奇·沃德成了《芝加哥论坛报》的体育版主编Who is the current editor of the Times?《泰晤士报》的现任主编是谁?She's the editor of a popular women's magazine.她是一本流行女性杂志的主编




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