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She doesn't suffer fools gladly and, in her view, most people are fools.她不愿与笨人为伍,而在她看来,大多数人都是笨人。He keeps company with all sorts of lazy characters.他与形形色色的懒人为伍。She associated with men on the make.她与追名逐利之辈为伍。Never associate with bad companions.千万不要与坏人为伍。His association with such criminals can only destroy him.与这样的罪犯为伍只会毁了他。I have no wish to associate myself with them.我无意和他们为伍。Try not to associate with that riffraff.尽量不要和那些不三不四的人为伍。By misfortune he fell into bad company.他不幸与坏人为伍。The world is full of scribblers. I don't intend to join their ranks.这个世上净是些蹩脚文人。我不想与他们为伍。 |