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词汇 个头
例句 I'll be over your way tonight, we should meet up.我今晚去你那儿,我们应该碰个头Their boy is small for his age.相对于他的年龄,他们的儿子个头小了点儿。Hey, why don't you pick on someone your own size?嘿,你怎么不去捉弄个头和你差不多的人?Bob started the song and everyone took it up in shrill voices.鲍勃开了个头,大家都尖声唱了起来。Children often find themselves at the mercy of other kids who are older and bigger.孩子们常常受年龄和个头都大于自己的一些孩子的摆布。Where this will all end, heaven knows.这一切到哪儿是个头,天晓得。Choose small waxy potatoes for the salad.个头小、表皮光滑的土豆做沙拉。Despite their large size, crows are members of the songbird family.乌鸦个头虽大,但还是属于鸣禽科。The authority of his voice is undermined by the smallness of his build.个头矮小,说话就没那么有权威。Mitchell is well built, of medium height, with a dark complexion.米切尔体格健壮,中等个头,肤色黝黑。She admits that her height is intimidating for some men.她承认自己的高个头会令有些男人却步。The rats were huge and completely unafraid of human beings.那些老鼠个头巨大而且一点都不怕人。He was in his late twenties and of average height.他年近三十,中等个头Ella is the smallest girl in her class.埃拉是她班上个头最小的女孩。A girl may fill out before she reaches her full height.女孩子在长足个头之前可能会发胖。He was short and bald and had a moustache.个头不高,秃顶,留着八字胡。He's pretty big, but I think I can lick him.个头很大,但我想我能打败他。Fred was the tallest boy next to James.弗雷德是仅次于詹姆斯的个头最高的男孩。Once you cross over the thin line to acts of lawlessness, who knows where it stops?一旦你越过雷池开始干违法的事,谁知道哪里是个头呢?He performed a kowtow to the Emperor.他给皇帝叩了个头He is short, with a greying beard.个头矮小,留着灰色的络腮胡。He was a smallish, greying man, with a wrinkly face.个头偏小、头发花白,脸上满是皱纹。Though she was tiny, she had a very loud voice.她虽然个头小,嗓音却非常洪亮。The banks set the ball rolling when they reduced their lending rates.银行开了个头,降低了贷款利率。The team has such tall players. 这个队的队员个头这么高。When there is any allusion to his size he becomes embarrassed.每当有人影射他的个头时,他都会感到局促不安。I decided to set the ball rolling and got up to dance.我决定带个头,就站了起来跳舞。He's about average height.他大约中等个头He was slightly below average height and prematurely bald.个头偏低,而且过早就谢顶了。The ceilings were too low to accommodate his terrific height.天花板太低了,容不下个头极高的他。A quick nod of approval would have done nicely.只要迅速地点个头表示赞成就行了。The truck turned around and came back towards us.卡车掉了个头,朝我们开过来。He tops his father by half a head.他比他父亲高出半个头He looked a tad bigger than me.他看上去个头比我略大一些。The Women's Gym is a women-only space dedicated to women of all ages, shapes and sizes.女子健身馆只对女性开放,不论年龄、健康状况和个头He made a quick U-turn and sped away.他迅速掉了个头,飞快地开走了。She is half a head taller than her sister.她比她妹妹高半个头Both of the girls commented on Chris's size.这两个女孩对克里斯的个头品头论足。When will his eternal whining stop?他那没完没了的抱怨什么时候才是个头He's tall enough to change the bulb without getting on a chair.个头够高,不用踩椅子就可以换灯泡。




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