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词汇 eye
例句 He always talks about his children with a twinkle in his eye.一说起自己的孩子们,他的眼睛就亮起来了。The star is bright enough to see with the naked eye.那颗星星很亮,肉眼就能看见。That comet is invisible to the unaided eye.那颗彗星只用肉眼是看不到的。He has a split lip and his eye is swelling.他的一片嘴唇裂了,一只眼睛也肿了。Keep a watchful eye on babies and toddlers.小心看护婴儿和幼儿。Children have to learn to coordinate eye and hand movements.孩子们必须学会协调眼睛和手的动作。Her eye was cut quite badly.她的一只眼睛被严重划伤。To my untutored eye that just looks like a load of random brush strokes, and yet it's a very valuable painting.在我这个外行人眼里,那只是一堆随意的涂鸦,但它实际上却是很有价值的作品。He punched me in the face/nose/mouth/eye/belly.他一拳打在我的脸/鼻子/嘴/眼睛/肚子上。Ashton left the ring with a nasty cut to the right eye.阿什顿下场时,右眼带有一个严重的伤口。Unfortunately, Julie and I don't see eye to eye on money matters.不幸的是,在钱的问题上朱莉和我意见不合。I had an eye exam.我接受了一次眼部检查。Deprived of the heavenly rhetoric of her eye, she seemed flat and dull.丧失了眼神所具有的动人感染力之后,她便显得平庸呆板了。She cast her eye over the front page of the paper.她匆匆看了一下报纸的头版。Bird's-eye photos show the scope of the present flood.鸟瞰的照片显示了这次水灾的幅员。He has an artist's eye for color.他对色彩有艺术家的鉴赏力。He has kept his wife and daughter out of the public eye.他一直让妻子和女儿远离公众视线。Her eye make-up was very striking.她的眼影非常惹眼。The stars are visible to the unaided eye. 那些星星用肉眼就能看得见。He has a keen eye for detail.他对细节独具慧眼。Ruth looked down, unable to meet his eye.露丝垂下目光,无法迎视他的眼睛。The story shows a strong narrative gift and a vivid eye for detail.这个故事显示了作者较强的叙事能力和对细节的观察入微。Carrie had to identify a body in the morgue and didn't blink an eye.卡丽要辨认停尸房的一具尸体,但她一点也不怕。He has a good eye for quality.他善于识别质量的好坏。A grain of sand made my right eye tear.一粒沙子弄得我右眼淌泪。He first learnt to fish under the watchful eye of his grandmother.在祖母的看护下,他第一次学起了钓鱼。Lizzy catches the eye of wealthy landowner Mr Darcy.莉齐引起了富有的地主达西先生的注意。Long hours working at a computer can cause eye strain.长时间使用计算机工作会引起视疲劳。She had surgery to correct a defect in her left eye.她做了左眼矫正手术。A born magpie, Mandy collects any object that catches her eye.曼迪天生喜欢收集小玩意,只要是她看上的都会收藏起来。He tried to catch the attendant's eye but the man was already turning away.他试图引起服务员的注意,但那人已经转过身去了。A determined glint appeared in her eye.她眼里闪现出坚毅的光芒。Though extremely small, this insect is visible to the naked eye.尽管这种昆虫非常小,肉眼还是看得到。The camcorder's iris opens and closes just like the iris in the human eye.摄录机的虹彩光圈就像人眼的虹膜一样开合。Juice from the lemon squirted into my eye.柠檬汁溅到了我眼睛里。As she turned back, a movement across the lawn caught her eye.在她转身的时候,草坪有什么动静吸引了她的注意。The forest spreads out as far as the eye can see.森林伸展至目所能及的地方。Off-screen, Kathy is under the watchful eye of her father Terry.生活中的凯茜受到父亲特里的严格看管。You need good hand-eye coordination to play racket sports.使用球拍的体育运动需要良好的手眼协调能力。Gloria slid an appraising eye over the rest of the rack before reaching for the dress.格洛丽亚以审视的眼光向货架上其余的衣服扫了一遍,才伸手去拿那件连衣裙。




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