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词汇 exudes
例句 He exudes the complacency of a man who has achieved a lifelong ambition.他流露出实现人生夙愿后的满足感。Carlos exudes enthusiasm.卡洛斯热情四射。She exudes authority/charm. 她身上显示着权威/透着魅力。He exudes natural charm and good humour.他表现出一种与生俱来的魅力和很强的幽默感。The cross-legged deity exudes wisdom and composure.盘腿而坐的女神显得镇静而又睿智。She exudes a warmth and generosity of spirit.她的态度热情慷慨。Simpson is a man who exudes bonhomie.辛普森是个和蔼可亲的人。The cross-legged deity exudes wisdom and composure.盘腿而坐的神像散发出智慧与沉静的气息。The plant exudes a sticky liquid.这种植物分泌出一种黏液。She exudes an air of relaxed calm.她表现出一副气定神闲的样子。He exudes an undeniable charisma.他散发着令人无法抗拒的魅力。She exudes star power whenever she's on screen.她每次出现在屏幕上时都散发出明星的魅力。In conversation she exudes wit and self-assurance.交谈中她表现出机智和自信。




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