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词汇 丧失
例句 She never lost her youthful idealism and campaigned for just causes all her life.她从未丧失过年轻时的理想主义,终生都在为正义事业而奋斗。The rise in crime is often cited as evidence of a general breakdown of authority.犯罪率的上升通常被用作政府权威丧失的证据。Loss of confidence could trigger a run on Citibank that would threaten the entire financial system.民众信心的丧失可能导致花旗银行出现挤兑,从而威胁到整个金融体系。Suicide is often connected with socio-economic deprivation.自杀经常与社会经济权利的丧失有关。Venice is haemorrhaging the very resource which could save it: its own people.威尼斯正不断丧失其立足之本,那就是它的人民。She was terrified they'd lose their home.她很害怕他们会丧失家园。Her hearing was already going.她已经渐渐丧失听觉了。During her illness, she never lost her will to live/survive.生病期间,她从未丧失活下去的决心。Years of playing in a rock band had resulted in a loss of hearing.长期在摇滚乐队里演奏导致听力丧失People who suffer a stroke may experience a loss of speech.中风患者可能会丧失说话能力。Studies show that girls tend to lose some of their self-confidence in their teenage years.研究表明,女孩子在十几岁时会丧失部分自信。Social interaction is increasingly becoming a lost art.人们正日渐丧失社会交往的技巧。Torn muscles retract, and lose strength, structure, and tightness.撕裂的肌肉会收缩,丧失原来的力量、结构和紧实度。One prominent symptom of the disease is progressive loss of memory.这种疾病的一个显著症状就是记忆逐渐丧失People feel sad about the loss of community.人们因丧失归属感而感到悲哀。The lapse of his claim to the land was his own fault.丧失对那块土地的要求权是由于他自己的过错。Alcohol abuse in men can cause loss of sex drive and reduced potency.男子酗酒可能导致性欲丧失和性功能下降。Symptoms of the disease include tiredness and loss of memory.该疾病的症状包括疲倦和记忆丧失A new law disqualifies persons from getting unemployment insurance if they quit without good cause.一项新法律规定,无正当原因离职者丧失取得失业保险金的资格。He, a Hindu, has lost caste for becoming a Christian.他,一个印度人,因成为基督徒而丧失种姓地位。Haitian strongman Duvalier could feel his power slipping away.海地的铁腕人物杜瓦利埃能够感觉到自己的权力在逐渐丧失Even when he appeared to be depressed, a dry sense of humour never deserted him.即使在他看上去很沮丧的时候,他也从没有丧失过自己的冷面幽默。Drinking too much often results in a loss of libido.饮酒过度经常会导致性欲丧失Noisy classrooms are a symptom of a breakdown in authority.课堂喧哗吵闹是教师丧失威信的一个征兆。We must not lose our sense of proportion.我们不能丧失主次观念。Brighton have too many experienced players to crumble just because we are in town.布赖顿队有很多经验丰富的队员,他们不会因为我们在城里就丧失斗志。The patient's high fever deleted most of his memories.病人的高烧使他的记忆丧失大半。Not all delinquencies lead to foreclosure.并不是所有未按时还债的情形都会导致丧失抵押品的赎回权。Even at the end, George Burns never lost his impeccable sense of timing.即使到了最后,乔治·伯恩斯也从未丧失他那完美无瑕的把握时机的能力。In presenting a more professional image the party risks losing its individuality.为了给人一种更为职业的形象,该党可能会丧失自身特色。They had the reputation of being immoral degenerates of the worst type.他们道德丧失,极尽堕落,已经臭名远播了。During fever a large quantity of fluid is lost in perspiration.发烧时,大量水分会通过排汗而丧失Teaching off a blackboard is boring, and undoubtedly turns people off.照本宣科枯燥乏味,无疑会使人们丧失学习兴趣。Lip-reading can act as compensation for loss of hearing.唇读可以弥补听力丧失的缺陷。The main threat to the survival of these creatures comes from their loss of habitat.栖息地的丧失是这些生物生存的最大威胁。As the skin grows older it loses its elasticity.随着皮肤老化,弹性会慢慢丧失No one is denied an education because they are poor in this country.在这个国家,没有人会因为贫穷而丧失受教育的机会。Gradual hearing loss often goes unnoticed until substantial damage is done.渐进性听力丧失往往是在不知不觉中发生的,直到听力严重受损才会察觉。What was worse, she began to lose her mild, equable temper.更糟的是,她开始丧失温和文静的性情。Workers who don't take up training may lose out on promotion.没有接受培训的工人可能会丧失升职机会。




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