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词汇 increase in
例句 Patients are angry at the increase in charges for medicines.病人对医药收费上涨很生气。In her latest dispatch, Clare Duggan, our war correspondent, reported an increase in fighting.我们的战地记者克莱尔‧达根在其最新报道中说战事正在加剧。Environmentalists are alarmed by the increase in pollution.不断加重的污染引起环保主义者的担忧。Any increase in the cost of transporting goods will be passed on to the consumer.产品运输成本的上涨都将转嫁给消费者。There's been a big increase in public spending over the past three years.过去三年里公共开支猛增。!Any increase in students means a concomitant increase in money for the university.学生的增加意味着大学经费也要随之增加。He proposed an increase in defense spending.他提议增加国防开支。The slowdown in domestic demand was offset by an increase in exports.国内需求的放缓通过出口的增长得到了弥补。The increase in crime in the area is very concerning.该地区犯罪率的上升十分令人担忧。Hidden problems may lead to an increase in costs.预先不知道的问题可能导致成本的增加。The increase in sales at the end of the year proved to be a false dawn.年底销售的增长结果证明只不过是空欢喜一场。There has been an increase in demand for two-bedroom houses.对两居室房屋的需求有所增长。There has been a twofold increase in production.产量已经翻了一番。Paradoxically, the prohibition of liquor caused an increase in alcoholism.矛盾的是,禁酒反而导致了酗酒的增加。Experts said that the increase in car sales is a straw in the wind that the nation's economy began to recover.专家们说,汽车销售量的增加预示着这个国家的经济开始复苏。The figures show an increase in forceps deliveries.数据显示产钳分娩数量增多。She deserves credit for the increase in sales and the resultant increase in profit.她应该为销售额的增长以及由此产生的利润的增加而受到表扬。Yesterday saw an increase in interest rates.昨天利率上升了。The sudden increase in sales is easily explicable.销售额的突然增加是很容易理解的。There has been a steady increase in prices.价格稳步上升。All the employees expect an automatic increase in pay every year.所有的员工都期待每年薪水自然增长。The increase in our profits has been negated by the rising costs of running the business.我们的盈利增长被日益增加的经营成本所抵消。An increase in tourism will help the city economically. 旅游业的增长将有助于这个城市的经济发展。An increase in crime is the by-product of poverty and unemployment.犯罪的增加是贫穷和失业的附带结果。There has been a big increase in unemployment.失业人数已大幅增长。The increase in oil prices could bring the economy to its knees. 油价上涨会让经济遭受重创。An increase in tourism will help the city's economy.旅游业的增长将有助于这个城市的经济发展。The hospital reported an increase in respiratory arrests. 医院报告显示呼吸骤停病例增多。There have been sharp increases in arrears on interest payments.拖欠支付利息的现象急剧增加。There is growing public alarm at this increase in crime.公众对罪案的增加越来越感到担忧。He seemed to be preparing to sanction an increase in public borrowing.他似乎正准备批准增加公共借款。Quinn argued that an increase in the minimum wage would help the most disadvantaged Americans.奎因辩称,提高最低工资对最贫困的美国人会有帮助。Improved profitability may indicate an increase in competitiveness.利润率的提高或许说明竞争力有所加强。There has been an increase in lumbering in this area.这一地区的木材业有所增长。You would expect to observe an increase in births during peacetime.你会看到和平时期出生率有所上升。An increase in tuition won't be a panacea for the college's financial problems.提高学费并不是解决这所大学财政问题的万能之计。An increase in student numbers is projected for next year.预计来年学生人数会有所增长。New car buyers and smokers will be hit by increases in taxes and excise.新车买主和吸烟者会因为税额和消费税的提高而受到打击。Intensive farming has brought about an increase in outbreaks of food poisoning.集约农业导致食物中毒事件有所增加。The increase in the number of rooms available in private homes acted as a palliative to the general accommodation shortage.私宅中可用房间数的增加缓解了客房总体不足的问题。




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