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例句 He lives a very simple life for a man who has become incredibly rich.作为一个腰缠万贯的人来说,他过着一种非常简朴的生活。In comparison with modern methods, it seems an incredibly slow and unsophisticated way of making cars.与现代的生产方式相比,用这种方法制造汽车显得极其缓慢,极其简陋。Throughout the crisis, Bill remained incredibly calm.比尔在这一危机中从头到尾都出奇地镇静。He's just so incredibly sexy!他这么性感,简直难以置信!The whole process is incredibly long-winded.整个过程极其繁琐。Movies are incredibly expensive to make these days.如今电影的制作成本高得不可思议。She is incredibly lucky to be alive.她能活下来真是万幸。Being tall can make you feel incredibly self-confident.个子高会使你感觉极其自信。It was incredibly difficult to fit everyone in.为每一个人都找到合适的位置是极其困难的。It's a good restaurant, and incredibly cheap.这家馆子不错,而且价格便宜得不得了。She's incredibly rude. I don't know how she gets away with it.她极其粗鲁。我不知道她怎么没因此受到惩罚。I was incredibly hyper. I couldn't sleep.我太亢奋了,根本无法入睡。Paul was incredibly supple and strong.保罗身体极其灵活,而且非常结实。It was a wonderful voice which women found incredibly sexy.这美妙的嗓音令女人们觉得非常性感。Most of the people there were incredibly old. Let me rephrase that - we were the youngest couple there.那里大多数人都是老朽了,我是说,我们是那里最年轻的一对。The exam was incredibly difficult.这次考试极难。Cutting food intake by half is an incredibly difficult thing for anyone to do.将进食量减半对任何人来说都是件非常难的事。There are scenes in this play which to my mind are incredibly violent.这出戏里有些场面在我看来过于暴力。She's incredibly stylish and a little bit kooky.她颇为时髦,但略显怪癖。She was incredibly popular and a bit of a comedian in the office.她非常受欢迎,有点像是办公室里的开心果。The cider is a bit rough and incredibly strong.这种苹果酒有点涩,而且度数极高。He's either a liar or he's incredibly ill-informed.他要么在撒谎,要么无知得令人难以置信。My browser really is incredibly slow.我的浏览器真的是出奇地慢。He was incredibly nice about it, though I am sure it caused him a lot of trouble.我敢肯定这件事给他制造了很多麻烦,但他还是很好地解决了这件事。Their father was incredibly good-looking.他们的父亲十分英俊。He was incredibly rich/angry/quick.他极其富有/生气/迅速。He is incredibly rancorous toward her.他对她恨之入骨。Meg is incredibly intelligent but she lacks common sense.梅格聪明过人,但缺乏常识。What astonishes me is how incredibly inefficient so many companies seem to be.让我感到惊诧的是,有这么多的公司效率似乎低得不可思议。I felt incredibly embarrassed.我感到非常尴尬。I couldn't decide whether he was incredibly brave or just insane.我不能判定他到底是英勇无畏还是精神失常。The special effects are incredibly lame.那些特效出奇地蹩脚。I find these chairs incredibly uncomfortable.我觉得这些椅子坐上去非常不舒服。Tina Turner shimmied across the stage in an incredibly sexy dress.蒂娜·特纳穿着极其性感的裙子一边跳着希米舞一边穿过舞台。We thought that Egypt was an incredibly romantic country.我们以前认为埃及是个充满传奇色彩的国家。Nicotine is incredibly addictive.尼古丁很容易上瘾。Children soak up language incredibly quickly.小孩子学语言快得让人难以置信。The telescope makes the craters on the surface of the moon incredibly clear.望远镜使月球表面的陨石坑看上去格外清晰。He's been suffering from incredibly bad mojo lately.他最近一直特别倒霉。The snow fell incredibly fast.雪花飞落,快得惊人。




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