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词汇 keep going
例句 It all keeps going round and round in my head till I don't know where I am.这一直在我脑海里萦绕,直到我不知身在何处。I like to keep going. I hate to sit still.我喜欢一直有事情做,讨厌一动不动地坐着。If things keep going like this, we'll have to close the business.如果情况继续这样的话,我们就不得不关门了。We had to borrow money to keep going with the business.我们不得不借钱维持生意。The company won't keep going unless we can get some loan.除非我们能搞到贷款,否则公司就维持不下去了。It's too late to turn back. We have to keep going.现在返回已经太晚了,我们只能继续前进。Things were difficult, and we needed her wages to keep going.日子很艰难,我们要靠她的工资来维持生活。The mines could keep going only if costs were pared to the bone.只有将开支缩减到最低限度,这些矿才能维持下去。 I was ready to give up on the search, but they convinced me to keep going. 我本准备停止搜寻,但他们说服我继续下去。His ability to keep going even when he is tired is a simple question of mind over matter.他即使累了也能继续前进,这就是一个简单的心胜于物的议题。The cost of rented accommodation keeps going up.租房的费用不停地在上涨。He had to call upon his inner reserves of strength to keep going.他不得不使出全部的气力以支撑下去。Sometimes it was hard to keep going, but we did it for the children's sake.有时候很难坚持下去,但是为了孩子我们挺过来了。Small companies are heavily reliant on the goodwill of the banks in order to keep going.小型公司非常依赖银行的商誉来继续经营。The wheels keep going wonky.轮子总是左右摇晃。She made us keep going even when we were really up against it.即便我们处境非常艰难,她仍让我们坚持。Everything keeps going wrong.一切都乱套了。They forced themselves to keep going even though they felt exhausted.即使感到筋疲力尽,他们还是迫使自己坚持下去。That school has always had a bit of a struggle to keep going.那所学校一直在勉强维持着。She forced herself to keep going.她强迫自己继续下去。That song keeps going through my head.那首歌在我脑海里回荡。We've been trying to decide how to improve the system, but we just keep going around in circles. 我们一直在设法确定如何改进这个系统,但只是原地绕圈,毫无进展。Sales can't keep going up, but that doesn't mean the industry is going in the tank.销售不能持续增长,但那并不是说这个行业不景气。That woman's been through such a lot – I don't know how she keeps going.那个女人经历了这么多的磨难,我不知道她是怎么坚持下来的。It's diabolic, the way the prices keep going up.物价这样涨了又涨,真是太不像话了。Okay, you've made your point, there's no need to keep going on about it.好吧,你已证明你是对的,那就没有必要继续下去了。




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