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词汇 keep from
例句 Take off your shoes to keep from dirtying the floor.把鞋脱了,免得弄脏地板。You should keep from doing anything rash.你应当避免做鲁莽的事。It's difficult to keep from feeling worried about this situation.很难不对此种局面感到担忧。I had to clutch the counter to keep from falling.我不得不紧紧抓着柜台,免得摔倒。She bit her lip to keep from crying.她咬住嘴唇不哭。He can't keep from thinking of her all the time.他忍不住老是想她。She found it hard to keep from laughing. 她发现很难忍住不笑。It was hard to keep from confusing the twins.很难不把这对双胞胎搞混。He had to lean on Dan to keep from falling.他不得不靠在丹身上以免摔倒。I had to bite my tongue to keep from breaking up.我必须咬住舌头才不笑出来。I clutched at my mother's arm to keep from falling.我抓住母亲的手臂,不让自己倒下。She should be drinking fluids to keep from dehydrating.她应该喝点东西以防止脱水。It was all I could do to keep from hitting him.我只能克制住自己不去揍他。




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