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词汇 专心
例句 Knock it off, I'm trying to concentrate.别说了,我正在专心思考。I am leaving to concentrate on writing fiction.我辞职是为了专心写小说。I was walking down the street, minding my own business, when all of a sudden some man started yelling at me.我正专心沿街散步,突然有人开始朝我大喊。Reeve decided to immerse himself in the day-to-day affairs of his company until business improved.里夫决定专心处理公司的日常事务,直到经营好转。I get so absorbed in doing something that I am unaware of things happening round me.我做事太过专心以致于对周围发生的事情丝毫未察觉。The rehearsals make it difficult for her to study for law school exams.排练使她难以专心准备法学院的考试。I could have kicked myself for not paying more attention.我为没有更专心而深感懊悔。He sat very erect, listening intently.他坐得笔直,专心地听着。He listened intently, then slammed down the phone.专心地听着,然后砰地挂上电话。He's working on a new novel.他正专心写一部新小说。He was too absorbed in his newspaper to hear the bell.专心读报,连门铃声也没听见。Focus on the feeling of relaxation.专心体会放松的感觉。The player is still out nursing an ankle injury. = The player is still out nursing her ankle. 这名选手仍在场外专心调治她的踝关节。He was, however, allowed to stay on at the temple as long as he restricted himself to his studies.然而,只要他专心学习,他就可以继续留在寺庙里。Adults rarely give the TV their undivided attention.成年人很少会专心看电视。He's really becoming immersed in his work.他真的开始专心埋头于工作。Roger was hyperactive and inattentive as a child.罗杰小时候极度活跃,对什么事都不能专心Sherman sat hunched forward and staring through the windshield, trying to concentrate on the traffic.舍曼弓着背坐着,眼睛通过挡风玻璃盯着前方,专心地注意着行驶的车辆。I worry about how Quincy's going to do in school - he can't sit still long enough to give anything his undivided attention.我担心昆西在学校里怎么办—他坐不住,什么事情都专心不了。The girl bent her attention on clothing the doll.女孩专心给玩具娃娃穿衣服。He thought about becoming a lawyer, but he has decided to concentrate on a medical career instead. 他曾想过当律师,但现已决定专心从医。We were glued to our chairs, listening intently to every word.我们像钉在椅子上似的,专心地听每一句话。I have to work on my act.我必须专心表演。Mrs Singh leaned forward, listening intently as they explained the procedure to her.辛夫人身体向前倾着,专心地听他们向她解释手续。I'm much more focused this year.今年我专心得多。Will you kids knock it off? I can't study.够了,小鬼们,停下来。我无法专心念书。I immediately immersed myself in the task.我立即专心投入工作。Adults rarely give the television their undivided attention.成年人很少会专心地看电视。Amelia next turned her attention to finding herself a place to live.阿梅莉娅接着就开始专心找住的地方。If you listen closely, you can hear the sea.如果你专心地听,可以听到大海的声音。The judge listened intently to the evidence.法官专心地听着证词。He is attentive to what he is doing.他对他手头的工作很专心Playing video games distracts him from his homework.玩电子游戏使他无法专心做家庭作业。He was so busy with his thoughts he was unaware of a car approaching.专心思考连汽车驶近都没有察觉。He was so engrossed in what he was doing he didn't even hear the doorbell ring.他干得那么专心,连门铃响了他都没听到。Then they saved their breath for pulling.过后他们不再说话,专心拉车。Concentration is essential if you want to do a good job.如果你想把事情做好,专心是必要的。Quit fooling around and pay attention.别再瞎闹,专心一点。The students are devoted totheir studies.学生们专心学习。Banks tend to concentrate on short-term lending.银行倾向于专心做短期贷款。




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