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词汇 专业
例句 They outsource components from specialist manufacturers.他们从专业制造厂家外购零部件。There was a lack of professionalism in their dealings.他们的手法缺乏专业水准。The party aims to attract votes from the business and professional communities, which want a faster pace of political reform.该党的目标是吸引商界和专业社群的选票,因为这两个群体都希望加快政治改革的步伐。She majored in theater in college.她大学学的是戏剧表演专业Are you impugning my competence as a professional designer?你是在质疑我作为专业设计师的能力吗?In presenting a more professional image, the party risks losing its individuality.在向人展示出一种更加专业形象的同时,该党冒有丧失自身个性的风险。Nash has already been approached by several pro football teams.几支专业足球队已经与纳什接洽过。The whole cast executed the production with truly professional aplomb.全体演员以真正的专业精神从容不迫地进行了影片的拍摄。No one can touch these girls for professionalism.专业素养方面,没有人能比得上这些姑娘。She makes the dance look easy - the mark of a true professional.她让舞蹈看起来很容易,这是真正的专业舞蹈家的特点。The teacher had a mastery of his subject.这位教师精通他的专业He took/received a second in history.他获得了历史专业二等成绩本科学位。The level of expertise and helpfulness is far higher in smaller shops.规模较小的商店专业得多,对顾客也体贴得多。Her voice was brisk and professional.她说话干脆利落,很专业His unusual choice of subjects made it harder to find a job.他选的专业太偏了,导致工作比较难找。We hired an exterminator to get rid of the termites.我们请了专业灭蚁人员来消灭白蚁。He deals with the customers in a very professional way. = He is very professional in dealing with the customers.他很专业地与客户打交道。Nurses advance the profession through active involvement in their professional organizations.护士通过积极参加专业团体推进了该行业的发展。Good customer relations require courtesy, professionalism and effective response.良好的客户关系需要做到礼貌、专业,并提供有效的回复。The college is offering aspiring actors the opportunity to work with a professional cast.该学院正在为有抱负的演员提供加入专业剧组的机会。Technical skill is a fundamental basis for most great art.对大多数伟大艺术品而言,专业技巧是根本。He's a graduate in philosophy.他哲学专业毕业。That sounds a bit technical.那听起来有点儿专业The British Medical Association is the doctors' professional body.英国医学协会是医生的专业团体。I can't answer that-I'm afraid it's outside my field.我回答不了那个问题 - 恐怕它不属于我的专业范围。The investigation was handled incompetently.这项调查做得很不专业She has a well-rounded professional background.她具备全面的专业背景。The group's professionalism fell far short of what I had expected.该小组的专业水平远远没有达到我的期望。Mathematics is my special area.数学是我的专业The level of expertise and helpfulness is far higher in smaller shops.小商店服务的专业水平和热情程度要高很多。Lorenzo has a Master's in communications from Boston University.洛伦佐拥有波士顿大学的通信专业硕士学位。Even people with a technical background will struggle to understand some of the jargon.有些术语即便是有专业技术背景的人也要费很大劲儿才能理解。She's been giving him some expert advice about investing.她一直在给他提供有关投资方面的专业建议。The bank was robbed by a professional safecracker.这家银行被一个专业保险箱窃贼盗窃。Most students change direction during their first year.大多数学生第一年就改变了专业方向。We sometimes have to call on outside expertise.我们有时得借助外部的专业技术。Specialist subjects are full of pitfalls for the unwary.专业问题充满陷阱,专套粗心大意的人。It is a very assured, professional performance.表演非常自信而专业The medical professional bodies reply that development from fertilisation onwards is a continuum.专业医疗机构答复说受精以后的发育是连续的。Volunteers worked alongside professional builders in a massive reconstruction programme.在一个大型的重建项目中,志愿者与专业建筑人员并肩工作。




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