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词汇 原以为
例句 Anyone expecting a romantic story will be quickly disabused of that notion by the opening chapter.那些原以为是一个浪漫爱情故事的读者在读了开头一章以后,很快就打消了这个想法。The town expected protests, but the smoking ban actually turned out to be a nonevent.原以为这个镇子会有人抗议,但事实上禁烟令没有引起什么大的反响。We thought the rain would let up soon.我们原以为雨势很快就会减弱。He thought the whole war would soon end.原以为整场战争很快就会结束。She thought her troubles would be over once she'd got divorced.原以为一旦离了婚她的麻烦就会结束。What they expected to be the removal of a small lump turned out to be major surgery.他们原以为只需切除小肿块的手术最后变成了一次大手术。He was being white-anted by members of his own party who he had regarded as loyal.他正遭到党内那些他原以为忠诚的党员的暗算。He thought the news would make her upset, but she never batted an eye. 原以为这个消息会使她伤心,没想到她没流露出任何表情。We had expected the candidates to criticize each other, but instead they engaged in mutual backslapping.我们原以为候选人会互相指责,但没想到他们却互相吹捧起来。People thought heat must be, an invisible, tenuous fluid that flowed from hotter to colder places.人们原以为热量是一种无形的、稀薄的液体,从较热处流向凉一些的地方。He had supposed Mrs Mack to have been in comfortable circumstances, so he was surprised when he saw her tiny apartment.原以为麦克夫人家境很宽裕,所以看到她那小公寓时吃了一惊。We thought the chair was an antique worth a lot of money, but it turned out to be a valueless replica.我们原以为这把椅子是非常值钱的古董,但后来发现是个一文不值的复制品。We thought the project would be simple, but it turned out to be a real can of worms.我们原以为那个项目很简单,后来却发现很棘手。The pen she thought she had lost was actually on her desk, right under her very nose.原以为丢失的钢笔就在她面前的桌子上。We thought that bringing the issue up would lessen tension, but that plan boomeranged. 我们原以为把问题提出来可以缓和紧张形势,不料这一方案适得其反。They had thought the boys wouldn't mind sharing; as it turned out, they minded very much.他们原以为这些男孩子不会介意跟他人合用,可结果却发现他们十分在意。We thought they would be pleased with our decision. We have learned, however, that the obverse is true.我们原以为他们会对我们的决定感到高兴。然而,我们现在才知道实际情况恰好相反。We thought she had recovered, but then she got/grew/became worse.我们原以为她已经好了,然而她的身体变得更加差了。We had thought the guns were loaded with blanks, but the soldiers were actually shooting live bullets.我们原以为枪里装的都是空弹,但是士兵们射击的竟然是实弹。We expected to be asked to sit down, but instead we were shepherded out to an open patio at the back of the house.我们原以为会有人请我们坐下,却被带到屋子后面的露台上。They had thought that the vacation would be restful, but they were soon disillusioned.他们原以为假期里能好好休息,但过不多久便明白根本不是那回事。We had anticipated that interest rates would have fallen further by now.我们原以为这个时候利率会降得更厉害。He thought he might be having a heart attack, but his chest pains were just a false alarm.原以为可能犯心脏病了,但他的胸口痛只是一场虚惊。They thought they would never see each other again, but fate brought them back together.他们原以为彼此永远不会再见,但命运使他们再次相聚。




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