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No one was able to pick out the originals from the copies.没人能把原件与复印件区别开来。It's an original, not one of those imitation jobs.这是原件,不是仿制品。I lost the original form so they sent me a duplicate.我把表格的原件给丢了,所以他们又寄给了我一份副本。I'll keep a copy of the contract, and give you the original.我将留一份合同副本,把原件给你。The copy closely matches the original.副本和原件很吻合。I gave her a copy of the report and kept the original.我给了她报告的复印件而保留了原件。I gave her a copy and kept the original document myself.我给了她复印件,原件自己保存。The copies agree exactly with the originals.这些副本和原件完全一致。The original is in the British Museum.原件在不列颠博物馆。I gave him the master to copy.我把原件给他复制。The copy is clearly/barely distinguishable from the original.这件复制品和原件很容易/几乎无法区别。The application has to be completed in triplicate, with the original being kept by the bank and the copies going to the customer and the tax office.申请书必须一式三份,原件由银行保管,复印件留给顾客和税务部门。There is no discernible difference between the original and the copy.看不出原件与副本之间有什么区别。See that the copy exactly corresponds with the original.务必使复制品与原件一致。I copied the letter and kept the original.我把信复印了一份,留下了原件。An unlimited number of copies can still be made from the original.仍可以由原件复印出无数份副本来。Can you give me the original of your report? I can't read this copy.能把你报告的原件给我吗?我看不清这份复印件。The original and copy aren't discernibly different.原件和副本看不出什么区别。Keep one as a master for your own reference and circulate the others.留着一份原件供自己查阅,其他的发给别人。The original written contract was held valid.合同原件被认定有效。Visitors will be able to examine original documents loaned from the British Museum.参观者将可以阅览到从大英博物馆借得的原件。The copy was identical with the original.复制本与原件完全一样。I have copies of the documents but haven't managed to track down the originals.我有文件的拷贝,但未能查出原件。In most cases the copies were indistinguishable from the originals.在大多数情况下,副本和原件区分不开。I sent him the original document, not a photocopy.我寄给他的是原件,不是复印件。I don't have my original birth certificate. Will you accept a copy?我没有出生证的原件,复印件行吗?This machine can reduce copies of the original page to half size.这台机器能把复印件缩小到原件的一半尺寸。Keep a duplicate in case the original gets lost.保留一个副本,以防原件丢失。The copy is practically indistinguishable from the original. 复制品和原件几乎难以分辨。New copies of the form can be duplicated from a master copy.可以用原件来复制新的表格。The copy and the original are practically indistinguishable. 复制品和原件几乎无法分辨。Make photocopies for yourself and send the originals to the finance department.给你自己复印几份,把原件送到财务部。Photocopy the questionnaire and send the original to your employer.复印调查问卷,然后把原件交给你的雇主。 |