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例句 His intervention spared me a bloody nose.他的干预使我得以幸免,不然准给人揍得鼻子出血。I'm sure they're safe, or else we'd have heard something.我确信他们是安全的,不然我们就会听到些什么的。Don't overextend yourself or else you'll burn out.别干得太多,不然你会累垮的。Act now or you're goosed.马上就行动,不然你会完蛋的。They must have thought everything was safe, or else they would have warned us.他们肯定以为一切都很安全,不然他们早就警告我们了。The problem with letters is that they always get lost or take forever to arrive.写信不好的地方就是总是弄丢,不然就是很久才寄到。Don't always leave your pen about, or you'll lose it one day.不要到处乱放钢笔,不然总有一天你的笔要弄丢的。 Do not boil the soup, as this will impair the flavour.汤不要煮沸,不然会破坏味道。Do up your coat or you'll get cold.把外套扣好,不然你会着凉的。Give me back those letters or else I'll scream.把那些信件还给我,不然我就大声喊了。Stop that or you'll get hurt!停下来,不然你会受伤的 !Keep the dog on the lead or he'll just run off.牵好狗,不然它就会跑掉的。Mind out or you'll break it.当心,不然你会把它打碎的。Put the biscuits back in the tin or they'll go stale.把饼干放回罐子里,不然会不新鲜的。A cheap bed can be a false economy.便宜的床看似省钱,其实可能不然I must go now or it will be too late.我这就得走,不然就太晚了。Don't copy my work or we'll both get into trouble.别抄我的作业,不然我们两个都会有麻烦的。Go home — otherwise your mother will worry.回家去吧,不然你妈妈要担心的。We need to start cycling faster or we'll never catch up.我们得骑得快些了,不然就再也追不上了。Careful or you'll knacker the gears!小心点,不然你会弄坏汽车的传动装置!I need my fix of caffeine in the morning or I can't think.我早上总需要来点咖啡因,不然就无法思考问题。Some of the officers were more zealous than others in enforcing the disciplinary code.对于实施纪律准则,有些官员很积极,有些则不然In terms of money, he's quite rich, but not in terms of happiness.就钱来说他很富有,但就幸福来说就不然了。I have to finish this report by tomorrow. My job is on the line. 我得在明天以前完成报告,不然就有失业的危险。It's perfectly harmless, Mabel, otherwise I wouldn't have done it.梅布尔,这一点害处都没有,不然我不会那么做的。Come on, get in or we'll be late.来吧,上车吧,不然我们要迟到了。Unless there has been a last-minute hold, the spacecraft should now be on its way.除非在发射前的最后一分钟暂停,不然航天器现在应该在飞行中了。Be careful or you'll knock the vase over.当心点,不然你会把花瓶碰倒的。Don't wear socks with sandals if you don't want to get arrested by the fashion police.穿凉鞋的时候不要穿袜子,不然时尚警察们一定不会放过你。Why did you need a room unless you were up to something?.除非你要搞什么小动作,不然你为什么单要一间房?We have to have our stories straight or else the police will get suspicious.我们得实事求是地讲,不然警方会怀疑的。Evidently no lessons have been learnt or else the government would not have handled the problem so sloppily.政府显然没有吸取教训,不然不会把问题处理得那么草率。The media enjoy a good ding-dong battle. They couldn't sell newspapers otherwise.媒体喜欢展开激烈的唇枪舌剑,不然他们的报纸就卖不出去。I must fly or I'll be late for my appointment.我得快跑了,不然约会就要迟到了。Hurry up or we'll be late for school.快点,不然我们上学就迟到了。When exercising, especially in the heat, drink often or you will become dehydrated.锻炼身体时,尤其是在高温下进行锻炼要经常喝水,不然会脱水的。Turn the electricity off, or it will waste while you are out.把电源切断,不然你外出时就会白白浪费电。Step back or you'll get hit by the ball.向后退一步,不然球就打到你了。Fasten the chin strap or the helmet will fall off.把颏带系牢,不然头盔会掉下来。They told him to keep his temper corked up or else.他们告诉他要收敛脾气,不然有他好看的。




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