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词汇 屏住呼吸
例句 The swimmer couldn't hold her breath any longer.那个游泳的人再也不能屏住呼吸了。Simon held his breath and dived under the surface.西蒙屏住呼吸,潜入水中。Rachel held her breath as she waited for his answer.雷切尔屏住呼吸,等他的回答。I watched them in breathless wonder.屏住呼吸,好奇地看着他们。We waited for the decision with bated breath.我们屏住呼吸等待着这个决定。Hold your breath for as long as possible.尽可能长地屏住呼吸The whole world holds its breath for this speech.整个世界都屏住呼吸等待这一讲话。She huddled down and held her breath.她蹲下身来,屏住呼吸Hold your breath for a count of five, then slowly breathe out.屏住呼吸数到五,然后慢慢把气呼出。We waited with bated breath to find out who had won.我们屏住呼吸等着看谁获胜。They hold their breath, eyes riveted on the moon.他们屏住呼吸,眼睛紧盯着月亮。I held my breath and sank under the water.屏住呼吸沉入水底。He rebounded, breathless, jabbing at the other man in quick hard blows.他重新振作起来,屏住呼吸,用快速的刺拳狠狠地击打对方。We listened with bated breath to Grandma's stories of her travels.我们屏住呼吸听祖母讲述她的游历故事。




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