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例句 The view at Toroko Gorge, Hua-lien is breathtaking.花莲太鲁阁的景色美得令人屏息The majestic Montana scenery will leave you breathless.蒙大拿的壮丽景色会令你屏息凝神。The world waited with bated breath to see what would result from the situation.全世界屏息注视着这一局面会导致何种结果。The House listened in breathless silence.全体议员屏息静听。Both boys held their breath in excitement.两个男孩都兴奋得屏息不作声。They were breathless with anticipation.他们在屏息期待。They watched breathlessly as the runners came around the final bend.他们屏息观看选手们跑到最后一个弯道。The song was so beautiful that it made me catch my breath.这首歌太好了,我禁不住屏息而听。All Europe held its breath to see who would win the election.全欧洲屏息而待,看谁能赢得这场选举。The vast expanse of the sea left him breathless.浩瀚的大海使他屏息神往。Hold your breath for a moment and exhale.屏息一会儿然后呼气。The city holds its breath against the terrible possibility of such things happening again.该城对这类可怕事情重演的可能性屏息提防着。Chess fans around the globe watched the match with breathless interest.全世界的国际象棋迷都屏息静气观看这场对局。Nancy waited breathlessly for him to go on.南希屏息静气等着他说下去。A breathless hush descended on the throng.人群忽然陷入了令人屏息的静寂之中。




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