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例句 His work was exhibited in the best galleries in America, Europe and Asia.他的作品在美洲、欧洲和亚洲最好的美术馆展出The painting went on exhibit last week.这幅画上星期展出过。Several famous paintings by Leonardo da Vinci are on show at the National Gallery.莱奥纳多·达·芬奇的几幅名画在国家美术馆里展出She displayed some of her paintings at the local arts festival.她在当地艺术节上展出了她的一些画作。The photos, which include some mildly titillating semi-nude shots of the actress, will be on display for a week.这些照片,包括该女演员一些有点儿挑逗的半裸照片,将展出一星期。The largest gallery contains at its centre a constellation of photographs called My Wishes.最大的画廊在中心位置展出了一组名为《我的心愿》的摄影作品。The museum displays wax likenesses of every U.S. president.这个博物馆展出所有美国总统的蜡像。The carriage was put on view for the public to see.这辆马车向公众展出了。His most famous paintings hang in the Louvre.他最著名的画作在卢浮宫展出She is showing her paintings at an art gallery.她正在美术馆展出她的绘画作品。The paintings are displayed chronologically.这些画是按年代顺序展出的。Works to be shown include sculptures by Houdon and Carpeaux.展出的作品包括乌东和卡尔波的雕刻作品。All these artists are well represented at the exhibition.所有这些画家都有代表作在画展中展出They are exhibiting two important pieces by Calder.他们正在展出考尔德的两件重要作品。The gallery exhibits mainly contemporary sculpture and photography.这个美术馆主要展出当代雕刻和摄影艺术。The museum will be exhibiting paintings from the neoclassical movement.博物馆将展出新古典主义运动时期的绘画。Why don't you exhibit his portrait?你为什么不展出他的画像? The collection is to go on public display for the first time next month.这批收藏品将在下月首次向公众展出Susan did not like the paintings at the show because they were too far-out for her.苏珊不喜欢展出的画;在她看来,那些画太前卫了。Museum basements are stacked full of objects which never see the light of day.博物馆地下室里堆的都是些从未展出过的东西。The photographs are on show at the Museum until October.这些照片会在博物馆展出到十月。The museum has an exhibition of paintings on loan from the Louvre.博物馆有个画展,展出从卢浮宫借来的画作。The photographs are on show at the museum until October.照片在博物馆展出到十月。The gallery is currently exhibiting nine bronze statues loaned by the Victoria and Albert Museum.画廊里目前正在展出由维多利亚和艾伯特博物馆所借的九尊铜像。Five large pieces of the wall are currently on exhibition in London.这堵墙的五大碎块目前正在伦敦展出Many of these are on display in the Museum, but some have been sent out on loan to other museums.其中很多在博物馆展出,但也有一些借给了其他博物馆。The birds were put on display at the zoological society.这些鸟将在动物协会展出The Whitney Museum was the first to show Mapplethorpe's photographs.惠特尼美术馆最早展出马普尔索普的摄影作品。The flower show featured roses, peonies, etc.花展主要展出玫瑰、牡丹等等。The painting is now on display at the National Gallery.这幅画目前正在国家美术馆展出There will be an exhibition of his most recent work at the Tate Gallery, starting this Saturday.本周六起,泰特画廊将展出他最新的作品。Ari Hart recently received the accolade of being represented in the Museum of Modern Art.阿里·哈特的作品最近有幸获选在现代艺术馆展出Paintings by Matisse are on show at the New York Gallery.马蒂斯的画作正在纽约美术馆展出A selection of her paintings is on exhibition at the Whitechapel Art Gallery.她的精选画作正在怀特查珀尔美术馆展出Picasso's paintings have been exhibited in galleries and museums all over the world.毕加索的画作在世界各地的美术馆和博物馆里展出The display juxtaposed images from serious and popular art.这次展览将严肃艺术和通俗艺术的图片并列展出The pieces on view are not grouped around any one theme, but rather represent superb examples from various periods.展出的作品并非围绕着一个主题,而是不同时期的经典之作。The museum is exhibiting paintings from the baroque. 博物馆正在展出巴洛克时期的绘画作品。The aircraft is displayed under cover in the USAF Gallery.这架飞机在美国空军陈列室内展出These are just some of the exciting works of art on show in Britain today.这些只是今天在英国展出的新奇艺术作品中的一部分。




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