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例句 The novel starts when a child of unknown parentage is left at the house of the local priest.小说是以一个双亲不明的孩子被遗弃在当地牧师的门前开始的。His fate at this writing still was unknown.他的命运直到写本文时仍然不明An unidentified military plane intruded into the airspace of our country.一架国籍不明的军用飞机侵入我国领空。The reasons for his resignation are still not clear.他辞职的原因依然不明Some people adore her, and some hate her, and others are somewhere in the middle.一些人崇拜她,一些人讨厌她,其他人则态度不明The Institute says that an unidentified virus is to blame for the syndrome.研究所称是一种不明病毒引起了这种综合征。The motives behind the decision remain obscure.这个决定背后的动机依然不明Such unexplained pregnancies have happened before. I need hardly mention the most notorious case.此类不明原因的怀孕之前曾发生过。我就不用提那个最有名的事例了吧。The exact cause of the accident/fire is not known.事故/火灾发生的确切原因不明They were often of uncertain origin.他们这些人往往出身不明The borders were vague and ill-defined.边界模糊不清,界定不明The symbols are apparently meaningless.这些符号显然意思不明A large unidentified object was spotted floating in the sea near our ship.在我们的船附近发现了一个庞大的不明物体在海面上漂浮。Julie, perplexed by her boyfriend's sudden outburst, kept out of his way.朱莉对男友的突然发怒不明究竟,便让他自己一个人待着。Familiarity dissipated the prejudice born of ignorance.熟悉起来以后,因不明情况而产生的偏见烟消云散了。An indeterminate number of illegal immigrants have entered our country.一群数量不明的非法移民已经进入我们国家。So much clutter will tend to constipate the novel's working order.包含的内容太杂往往会使小说的结构层次不明A surprising number of ailments are caused by unsuspected environmental factors.有大量疾病是由不明环境因素造成的。Her stories are full of moral ambiguities.她的故事充满了含混不明的道德寓意。The identity of the suicide bombers remained unknown.这些自杀性爆炸者的身份依然不明




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