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词汇 deadline
例句 They're working under deadline.他们得在规定期限前完工。The deadline crept up on me.他们的最后期限不知不觉就到了。It is totally out of the question to postpone the midnight deadline.想要推迟午夜的最后期限是完全不可能的。With a major deadline to meet, Hannah had been chained to her desk all weekend.为了赶上最后期限,汉娜整个周末都不得不伏案工作。We were not able to meet the deadline.我们没能在截止日期前完成。Staff are working against the clock to meet the deadline.员工们都在抓紧时间工作,想赶在最后期限前完成任务。He was/got called on the carpet for missing the deadline.他因错过了截止时间被训斥了一顿。We've known him to work all night to meet a deadline. = He's been known to work all night to meet a deadline.我们知道他为赶上最后期限通宵工作。The extension of the deadline gives us a breathing space.截止时间的放宽给了我们喘息的时间。The deadline was on top of them before they knew it.他们不知道最后期限已经快到了。They don't seem to realize that we're working to a deadline.他们似乎没有意识到我们要按期完工。The process could take weeks, but I'm up against a deadline.这个过程得要几个星期,但我的截止日期却要到了。As the deadline approached, it was clear that we needed to rally the troops. 最后限期即将到来,显然我们需要动员全体人员更加努力工作。A feeling of anxiety permeated the office as we rushed to meet the deadline.为赶在截止日期前完成工作,办公室里弥漫着紧张焦虑的气氛。As the negotiations grind on, time is passing towards the deadline.谈判没完没了地进行下去,很快就要到最后期限了。Because of his incompetence, we won't make our deadline.由于他的不胜任,我们不会按时完成工作。The deadline's tomorrow. How are we ever going to catch up in time?明天就是最后期限了,我们怎么样才能及时赶出来呢?The project was completed a week past its deadline.工程竣工时间比最后期限晚了一周。We missed the deadline.我们错过了最后期限。James really threw us a curve when he brought the deadline forward by a week.詹姆斯把截止日期提前一周,这确实让我们猝不及防。He tried to ram home the importance of meeting the deadline.他尽量强调按期完成的重要性。The deadline was creeping up on us. 截止日期正悄悄临近。The deadline was getting closer and we were under continual pressure to reach our targets.最后期限不断逼近,为达到目标,我们承受着持续的压力。It is impossible under these circumstances to meet our deadline.在这样的情况下,根本不可能如期完成。As the deadline approached she experienced a bewildering array of emotions.随着最后期限的临近,她开始心绪纷乱,不知所措。The conference chairman has set a deadline of noon tomorrow.会议主席将明天中午定为截止日期。The deadline is unreasonable, and they have no intention of trying to meet it.截止日期定得不合情理,他们不打算按时完成。Monday is the deadline for handing in this essay.这篇文章最迟应在星期一交来。We're working to a very tight deadline.我们正在按照紧迫的期限赶工。They were trying to beat the midnight deadline.他们要努力赶在午夜的最后期限之前完成。He said he wouldn't accept any excuses for missing the deadline.他说他决不接受任何误了截止日期的借口。At the coalface with a deadline looming, you sometimes feel under a lot of pressure.在工作第一线切身面对最后期限的逼近,你有时会感觉压力很大。We were in a pickle when we missed our deadline.我们错过了截止日期,遇到了麻烦。If we band together, we can meet the deadline.如果我们携起手来就能如期完成。You should ensure you do not miss the deadline.你得保证不错过最后期限。The end of the year was their self-imposed deadline for finishing the work.年底是他们自己提出的完成工作的最后期限。I've got to put my best foot forward to meet this deadline.我必须全力以赴,以赶上最后期限。We're on track to finish by the deadline.进展顺利,我们可以如期完成。I must get this report finished by tomorrow's deadline.我必须在明天最后期限之前完成这份报告。I don't think we'll make the deadline.我认为我们不能按时完成。




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