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例句 The lighting wasn't bright enough.光线不够明亮。He wasn't earning enough to pay the mortgage.他挣的钱不够还按揭。We still do not have enough women at the very top.处于最高层的女性仍然不够多。The colour palette, though brave, was jarring, simply too hot for comfort.调色板虽然五颜六色,但是色彩太浓烈、不够协调,看着不舒服。We don't have enough soldiers in the field.我们战场上的士兵不够Too much is spent on administration, and not enough on patient care.花在管理上的太多,而花在病人护理上的不够She has been criticized for her lack of openness with the public.她被指责对公众不够坦诚。It's not light enough to play outside.现在出去玩天不够亮。The library's reading-rooms need better illumination.图书馆里阅览室的灯光不够明亮,需要改进。The blame lies with the police, who failed to act quickly enough.这是警方的过错,是他们行动不够迅速。I am not strong enough to take insults and hatred.不够坚强,承受不了侮辱和仇恨。If you arrange your picture too systematically the results can look very mannered and artificial.如果你把图画安排得太有条理,就会看上去非常假,不够自然。Lacking self-confidence and maturity, many teenagers are left feeling very vulnerable.许多十几岁的孩子既缺乏自信又不够懂事,所以感情上十分脆弱。He doesn't earn enough to feed a family of four.他赚的钱不够养活一家四口。One sandwich wasn't enough to satisfy his hunger.一个三明治不够他充饥。These returns will not be enough to meet the payment of annual bonuses to policyholders.这些收益不够支付投保人每年分得的余利。He did not earn enough to keep a wife and children.他赚的钱不够养活妻儿。I don't think you practice enough.我认为你练习不够Not enough attention is paid to the role of diet in illnesses such as cancer and heart disease.人们对饮食在癌症、心脏病等疾病上所起的作用不够关注。He tried to push the door open, but he didn't have sufficient leverage.他试图推开门,但力气不够If you failed that exam you can't have worked very hard.那次考试你没有通过的话,那你肯定是不够努力。She wasn't adequately insured.她买的保险不够In case you think I was incautious, take a look at the map.以防你觉得我不够谨慎,自己看看地图吧。Sure, things have improved, but they haven't improved enough.当然,情况已经有所改善,但改善得还不够Their theories were badly thought out and very vulnerable to ridicule.他们的理论不够缜密,非常容易被人取笑。She began to berate the police for paying scant attention to the theft from her car.她开始痛斥警方对她车内被窃一案不够关注。You don't get enough exercise.你锻炼得不够多。We are not saving enough for our old age.我们为晚年存的钱还不够The event fell pretty flat because not enough people turned up for it.这场活动完全失败了,因为来参加的人数不够Although the car is basically sound, I was worried about certain areas.尽管这辆汽车基本状况良好,我还是担心一些地方不够安全。It's not considered cool to wear a helmet.带头盔让人觉得不够酷。We didn't win enough games to get to the championship.我们赢的比赛不够多,无法得到冠军。We ran out of drink at the party.聚会上我们的酒不够喝了。Depending on who you believe, the problem is either too much political interference or - wait for it - not enough.这就取决于你相信谁了,问题要么是太多政治干涉,要么——听好了——干涉不够I don't have enough credits to graduate.我学分不够,还不能毕业。My present duties don't challenge me enough.我目前的职责对我的激励还不够The blade did not cut deep enough.刀身切得不够深。It's time for action, not just tea and sympathy.是采取行动的时候了,光有安慰和同情是不够的。The dam was too weak to withhold the pressure of the rising water.水坝不够牢固,抵挡不住水上涨的压力。The light isn't good enough to take a photograph.这光线拍照不够明亮。




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