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词汇 不在家
例句 It chanced that I was out when he called.他来访时,我恰巧不在家The keys were given over to our neighbors during our absence.我们不在家时,钥匙交给邻居保管。Who's going to look after your cats while you're away?不在家时谁照顾你的猫呢?He was spending more and more time away from home.不在家的时间越来越长。She's out.不在家Jack worked as a pilot and was often away from home.杰克是飞行员,经常不在家There could be any number of reasons why he's not at home.不在家可能有很多原因。She had stopped nagging him about never being home.她不再不停地指责他总不在家了。She stayed out all night.她整晚都不在家He called to see if we would be home tonight.他打电话看我们今晚在不在家She had grown accustomed to his long absences.他长期不在家,她已经习惯了。He's not home because he was called away on business.不在家,被叫去出差了。My brother looks after the farm while I'm away.不在家时我兄弟照看农场。While they were out, someone broke in and stole their TV and VCR.他们不在家的时候,有人闯进屋里偷走了电视机和录像机。I was not at home on that day.那天我不在家I forgot to mention that I won't be in tomorrow.我忘了说我明天不在家We went round one night but they were out.有一天晚上我们顺便造访,可是他们不在家We are mostly out on Sundays.星期天我们一般不在家The slow cooker is very useful for people who go out all day.慢炖锅对于整天都不在家的人来说很有用。The householder was not home when the teacher called.老师打电话时,家长不在家We are usually not home during the day.我们白天通常不在家Jo was absent from the house all the next day.乔第二天一整天都不在家Someone ran away with our jewels while we were out.我们不在家时有人偷走了我们的珠宝。My father did all the cooking in my mother's absence.妈妈不在家时都是爸爸做饭。Eleanor would later blame her mother-in-law for her husband's frequent absences.埃莉诺过后会因丈夫经常不在家而责怪婆婆。I have a brother, but he's away from home at present.我有个哥哥,但他现在不在家I'll be gone all day.今天我将一整天不在家David's out for the afternoon.戴维下午不在家Make sure your pet won't pine while you're away.要确保不在家时宠物不会想你。Because of his work, he's often away for weeks at a time.因为工作的原因,他经常连续几周都不在家I tried calling him when I got here but he wasn't at home.我到这里时试着给他打电话,但他不在家The servant told me that her mistress was not at home.女仆告诉我说,她的女主人不在家I called on him; but he wasn't in.我去拜访他,但他不在家She frets away all the time when he isn't at home.不在家时,她总是心烦意乱。She's never at home because she spends all her free time at hockey practices.她从来都不在家,因为她把所有的空闲时间都用在练习曲棍球上了。If he's not at home, he must still be at work.如果他不在家,就一定还在办公室。I usually feed the neighbour's cat while she's away.邻居不在家时,我经常替她喂猫。We look after the neighbours' cat while they're away.邻居不在家的时候,我们照管他们的猫。Jim's never home Friday nights. You should know that.吉姆星期五晚上从不在家,你应该知道的。Supposing he is not at home, what then?假如他不在家,那怎么办?




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