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词汇 附加费
例句 Customers are required to pay a premium for this service.顾客按要求应支付这项服务的附加费Single rooms are available at a supplement.入住单间需支付附加费We charge a small supplement for this service.我们这项服务要收取少量附加费Weekend flights carry a supplement.周末航班要收附加费If you want to travel on a different day, a flight supplement is payable.如需改签另一天的航班,需要支付航班附加费There is a supplement on rooms with a sea view.海景房要收取附加费You can avoid the single supplement by agreeing to share a twin room.你若同意合住双人房间就可以省下单间附加费了。The prices of overseas holidays are subject to surcharges.海外度假游的价格受各种附加费的影响。There's a surcharge on top of that.除此以外还有一笔附加费There is a surcharge for excess baggage.行李超重要交一定的附加费A surcharge is levied on late applications.迟交的申请要收取附加费




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