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词汇 不在乎
例句 Many zealots of the anti-Nuclear movement do not care about power shortage.许多反核运动狂热者不在乎电力短缺。I don't give a toss what they call me.不在乎他们叫我什么。I don't care a rap for him.我才不在乎他呢。It was raining, but I didn't mind.下雨了,但我不在乎She lied to me again, but you know what? I really just don't care any more.她又跟我撒谎了。但是你知道吗?我真的一点也不在乎了。You can go right now for all I care.你现在就可以去,我才不在乎呢。He told people he didn't care about her, but deep down he knew different.他告诉别人说不在乎她,但心底里他知道不是那么回事。He seems totally unconcerned by real dangers.他对于实实在在的危险似乎全然不在乎You can go to the match with Paula, for all I care.你可以跟葆拉一起去看比赛,我一点也不在乎I do not give a fig what society thinks.我一点儿也不在乎社会怎么想。They'll probably sack me but, to be honest, I'm past caring.他们也许会炒我鱿鱼,但说老实话,我不在乎When you burn out, you lose enthusiasm, I always loved computers. All of a sudden I just didn't care.一个人失去了兴趣,就失去了热心,我向来热爱电脑,突然间我却一点也不在乎I get some stick from the lads but I don't mind.我遭到了伙伴们的取笑,但是我不在乎Personally, I could care less whether the Giants come or not.就我个人来说,我根本就不在乎巨人队来还是不来。I don't want to hear about her problems. I just don't give a damn.我不想听她的那些问题。我才不在乎呢。She was mindless of her appearance.不在乎自己的外表。He answered shortly that he didn't care what I thought.他很不耐烦地回答说,他不在乎我怎么想。I don't care twopence for it.我对这事一点儿也不在乎It didn't bother her in the least that she wasn't offered the job.她没得到那份工作,但她一点儿也不在乎I don't care if he likes it or not - I'm coming!不在乎他乐不乐意,我反正要来!I'll go if you like. I don't mind, honestly.要是你愿意我可以走。我真的不在乎I don't give a shit what happens.我才不在乎发生什么事呢。I'm not bothered if he has another child.不在乎他是否还有个孩子。I don't mind about the label as long as a garment looks good.只要衣服看上去不错,我不在乎品牌。I don't give a shit what other people say.别人怎么说我都不在乎I knew I'd get bollocked for it, but I didn't care.我知道我会因此被臭骂一顿,但我不在乎Ellen could only presume that he didn't care.埃伦只能假设他是不在乎She didn't care about the how and why of it.不在乎此事的做法和原因。They were an hour late and she didn't seem at all bothered.他们迟到了一小时,可她似乎一点也不在乎He doesn't care a fig about what others think.他一点儿不在乎别人怎么想。I don't know how you can be so laid-back about your exams.我弄不懂你对考试怎么会如此不在乎I don't give a damn about her.我才不在乎她呢。I knew everyone in the room was appalled by my behaviour, but I didn't care.我知道房间里的每个人都对我的行为感到震惊,可我不在乎She cared nothing for such trivia.不在乎这种琐事。He doesn't care what happens to us. All he's worried about is saving his own skin/neck. 不在乎我们的情况如何。他只关心如何自救。To tell you the truth, I don't care.老实跟你说吧,我不在乎I don't really care a fig about status.我一点不在乎地位。Oh, just go – see if I care!哦,你就去吧,我才不在乎呢!Bennett is unconcerned with such matters.本内特对这类事不在乎They say they don't care, but they do.他们嘴上说不在乎,其实是在乎的。




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