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词汇 倍感
例句 She's very proud of her ancient royal lineage.她为自己拥有古老的皇室血统倍感自豪。I found her words very comforting.我觉得她的话让人倍感宽慰。Many people suffer from work-related stress.许多人因工作原因倍感焦虑。In the midst of his feelings of impotence, a comforting thought arrived.在他倍感无能为力之时,一个令人欣慰的念头冒了出来。She now felt doubly guilty; she had embarrassed Franklin and she had cost her partner money.她现在心里倍感内疚:她既让富兰克林丢了面子,又让自己的合伙人损失了钱。It was an honor to be invited.承蒙邀请,倍感荣幸。The news of her recovery came as a great relief to all of us.她康复的消息让我们大家倍感欣慰。Western charities were galvanized by TV pictures of starving people.饥民的照片在电视上播出后,西方的慈善组织倍感震惊,马上行动了起来。He wore his ethnic heritage as a badge of honor. 他身穿自己民族的服饰,倍感骄傲。Al's under the gun to decide by the end of the month whether to move with his company.艾爾因需在月底前决定是否和公司一起搬走而倍感压力。She is revved up for her trip.她因为要去旅行而倍感兴奋。The clamour to draw a veil over the minister's extra-marital activities reeks of hypocrisy.想要掩饰部长婚外情的喧嚣叫嚷之声让人倍感虚伪。She felt doubly guilty, embarrassing him and wasting money.她既让他难堪,又浪费了钱,因此倍感愧疚。A feeling of relief swept over him.他一下倍感放松。We were honored with/by the queen's presence.女王的莅临让我们倍感荣幸。He is waiting for them to recognise him and eventually they do, much to his gratification.他等着他们认出他来,让他倍感欣慰的是他们终于认出来了。We were doubly disappointed that Jane didn't come.简没来,我们倍感失望。It is a land of antiquated social rules and suffocating traditions.这个地方依然保留着陈规陋习和令人倍感压抑的传统习俗。Much to everyone's relief, the airplane took off without any problems.让大家倍感欣慰的是,飞机平安起飞了。The team suffered another heartbreaking defeat.球队再次失利,令人倍感失望。Neither my brother nor my sister could come to the wedding, which was doubly disappointing.我哥哥姐姐都不能来参加婚礼,这让我倍感失望。He was filled with pride at his creation.他对自己的创作倍感自豪。The state of the country depresses me.国家的现状让我倍感沮丧。Her grades and musical talent make her parents doubly proud of her.她的成绩和音乐天赋使她的父母倍感骄傲。I must admit the state of the country depresses me.我必须承认国家的现状让我倍感沮丧。Bulman was cursed with a poor memory for names.布尔曼为总是记不住名字而倍感苦恼。Keeping noise levels low is the bane of airport administration.降低噪音一直是令机场管理部门倍感头疼的难题。She was shocked and anguished by the news.这消息让她在震惊之余倍感痛苦。




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