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词汇 倒下了
例句 He collapsed following a vigorous exercise session at his home.他在家中剧烈运动后体力不支倒下了The horse fell and had to be destroyed.这匹马倒下了,只好把它杀死。He made a few more yards before he fell down.他又走了几码之后终于倒下了He was knocked out by a hard right to the jaw.他被对手有力的右手拳击中下颌,倒下了She took a few shaky steps before she collapsed.她颤颤巍巍地走了几步就倒下了She looked about to drop.她看起来快要倒下了The boxer reeled back and fell.拳击手朝后打了个趔趄,倒下了Shelly's horse stepped into soft sand and went down, horse and rider going head over heels in a cloud of dust.谢利的马踏进松软的沙土中倒下了,在一阵飞扬的尘土中人栽马翻。A tree had fallen and was blocking our way.一棵树倒下了,挡住了我们的路。The runner collapsed just a few paces from the finish.那名赛跑选手在距终点线只有几步之遥的地方倒下了After years of heavy drug use, she has finally reached rock bottom.多年大量吸食毒品后,她终于倒下了He had barely reached the door when he collapsed.他还没到达门口就倒下了A competitor collapsed halfway through the marathon.在马拉松比赛进行到一半的时候,一位参赛者倒下了He collapsed with a heart attack while he was dancing.他跳舞时因心脏病突发而倒下了She collapsed in exhaustion.她疲惫得倒下了Many were low after the battle.这场战斗后许多人都倒下了I looked awful and felt quite shaky.我脸色很差,觉得快要倒下了One of the horses collapsed from exhaustion after the race.其中一匹马在比赛后因精疲力竭而倒下了I heard a pop and saw him fall down.我听到砰的一声,然后就见他倒下了He falls, mortally wounded.倒下了,伤得很重。She'd been complaining of a headache all morning, and suddenly she just keeled over.她整个早上都在叫头痛,突然就这么倒下了He let go of the pole and let it fall.他松开那根柱子,让它倒下了He collapsed from acute renal failure.他因严重的肾衰竭倒下了He fell, and was vaguely conscious of Tara standing over him.倒下了,模糊地感到塔拉站在旁边。For a brief instant, I thought she was going to fall.刹那间我以为她要倒下了He fell down senseless, missing the bed by a mile.他在离床还很远的地方倒下了,不省人事。She was so tired she felt she would drop.她太疲倦了,觉得自己要倒下了For goodness’ sake go home! You look ready to drop.看在上帝的份上,回家去吧!你看上去累得快倒下了I ended up collapsing with exhaustion.我最终累得倒下了




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