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词汇 both directions
例句 Instead of training the shoots up the fence, lay them flat in both directions alongside it.不要让嫩枝爬上篱笆,要令其沿着篱笆伏地向两边长。To be on the safe side they hunted feverishly in both directions.为了稳妥起见,他们在两个方向都奋力搜寻。The information flows in both directions.信息是双向流动的。The best thing is when ideas flow in both directions.最好的是思想双向流动。The air about the equator rises, and flows poleward in both directions.赤道周围的空气上升,并向南北两极流动。The traffic was starting to back up in both directions.两边的车辆都开始排起了长龙。The traffic was snarled up in both directions for two miles because of the accident.由于出了事故,两个方向的车都堵了有两英里。The road was blocked in both directions.路的两个方向都被堵住了。




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