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词汇 下一个
例句 Her next question was not so easily handled.她的下一个问题就不那么容易应对了。He is now poised to become the next big star in country music.他已准备好成为乡村音乐的下一个巨星。The director's next project will be a remake of King Kong.这名导演的下一个计划将是新版的《金刚》。The next pitch was a fastball on the inside.下一个投球是内角快球。If you solve one problem another immediately pops up.你解决了一个问题,下一个问题又会立刻冒出来。The miners were browbeaten into working in a part of the mine that the company knew to be dangerous.矿工在威逼下在矿下一个公司知道有危险的区域工作。When I didn't know the answer, the teacher kindly moved on to the next student.如果我不知道答案,老师便很宽容地继续问下一个学生。The next player discarded a club.下一个牌手打出一张梅花。You needn't laugh! It'll be your turn next!你别笑!下一个就轮到你!What's the first/next item on the agenda?日程上的第一个/下一个项目是什么?Bulstrode is waiting at the next changeover.布尔斯特罗德正在下一个交接点等候。Take the next right turn, which leads straight to the farm.下一个路口右转,就可直接到农场。The group is planning to risk everything to get their next venture off the ground.为了使下一个风险项目顺利开展,该集团打算把公司的一切都押作赌注。The Administration is making a fundamental error.政府正在犯下一个根本性错误。When you finish, move on to the next exercise.你做完以后,接着做下一个练习。There's still some space for a bookshelf.还有地方够放下一个书架。Who's in next for our team?我们队下一个轮到谁?It is important to negotiate a good discount and obtain books on approval.重要的是要谈下一个优厚的折扣价,而且图书包退包换。He's just a con artist looking for another sucker.他不过是个行骗老手,不停地在寻找下一个可能上当的人。The coach signalled the batter to take the next pitch.教练示意击球员放过下一个球不打。Excuse me, it's my turn - I was next.对不起,轮到我了——我是下一个So unless you are a few sandwiches short of a picnic, it becomes fairly obvious that we will be the next target.除非你脑子缺根筋,要不然不可能看不出来我们会是下一个目标。He is trying to put a team together for next season.他正在努力为下一个赛季组建一支球队。Our next port of call was Bermuda.我们下一个停靠港是百慕大。Don't look so sad! It won't be long until the next holidays.别这么不开心!下一个假期没有多久就会到的。Who can halt his inexorable progress towards / toward yet another championship?谁能阻止他向下一个冠军发起的势不可挡的冲击?They hurried on to the next question.他们急着转入下一个问题。When's the next flight to Miami?飞往迈阿密的下一个航班是几点?This road will take you straight to the next town.沿这条路直走就会到下一个镇子。The next witness will testify for the defense.下一个证人将为被告人作证。You go down a steep slope, then turn left at the bottom of the hill.你先走下一个陡峭的斜坡,然后在山脚下往左转弯。He cut a circle out of a piece of paper and threw away the trimmings.他在一张纸上剪下一个圆圈,然后把多余的碎片扔掉了。He gobbled down a sandwich.他狼吞虎咽地吃下一个三明治。Both teams slogged it out, knowing the next scorer would more than likely win the title.两队在竭力奋战,他们知道下一个进球者将很有可能赢得冠军。There is gas, food, and lodging at the next highway exit.下一个公路出口有提供汽油、食物和住宿的地方。They extended the railway to the next town.他们把铁路延长到下一个城镇。Get ready. You're up next.做好准备,下一个轮到你了。At the next set of lights, turn left.下一个交通信号灯处向左拐。After you type your name in the first box, you can move to the next box by tabbing.将名字录入第一个方框后,可按跳格键移至下一个方框。Whose deal is it next?下一个轮到谁发牌?




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