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词汇 very well
例句 Jim seems to be getting on very well with the cleaning.看起来吉姆的清扫工作干得不错。His voice doesn't carry very well.他的声音不够响亮。Considering the strength of the opposition, we did very well to score two goals.考虑到对方实力强大,我们能攻进两球已经很不错了。She's a real smarty and does her job very well.她是个聪明人,工作很出色。She's very well in with members of the management committee.她和管理委员会的成员很熟悉。She is very well endowed as a starlet.作为一个年轻女演员,她的先天条件特别优厚。Her ideas don't always hang together very well as a plot.她的想法并不总是能够连贯起来,形成一个完整的计划。These are herbs that go together very well with pasta.这些香草配意大利面食很棒。The US economy was performing very well at the macro level.美国经济在宏观上运转良好。That did not prevent our getting on very well together.那并未妨碍我们在一起和睦相处。All the team played very well today.今天所有队员都打得很不错。The concert went over very well.音乐会的反响非常好。Judging by her past performance, Jane should do very well.从以往的表现来看,简应该会干得很好。He has a thin skin and doesn't take kidding very well.他脸皮薄,人家跟他开玩笑容易动气。I knew very well that the problem was more complex than he supposed.我很清楚那个问题比他料想的要更复杂。Young Benson's done very well, hasn't he?小本森干得很好,是吧?He knows it very well because he has studied it up in a book.他对这个问题很了解,因为他为此曾在一本书中查阅过。He hasn't been very well lately.他最近身体不太好。Our shower doesn't work very well because of the poor water flow.由于水流很小,我们的淋浴器不太好使。The meeting passed off very well.会议进行得很顺利。She knows the local area very well.她非常熟悉当地情况。If the dictionary is properly marketed, it should sell very well.这部词典如适当加以推销,销路肯定很好。You know very well what I'm talking about!你非常清楚我在说什么!Thanks to the helpful staff at the hotel, the conference went off very well.多亏酒店里的员工热情相助,会议召开得非常顺利。She understands her husband's psychology very well.她非常了解她丈夫的心理。My husband and I understand each other very well.我和丈夫都很能理解对方。We're stuck in jobs that don't pay very well.我们深陷在工资低廉的工作中。The story is very well organized.这个故事结构严谨。Some prisoners made life quite acceptable for themselves and survived very well.有些囚犯把自己的生活安排得很过得去,竟很好地活了下来。I don't really know her very well.我其实不太了解她。He's doing very well in his history classes, but he's barely getting by in math.他的历史课成绩很好,但数学成绩勉强通过。The offices weren't very well designed - the rooms are too small and it's much too hot in summer.办公室设计得不好—房间太小,夏天时太热。It's all very well for him to joke.他居然还能开玩笑。I think it's very well drawn.我认为画得很好。The ship is modern and very well equipped.这艘船很现代,设备精良。As you well know, I don't approve of this. = As you know very well, I don't approve of this.你当然知道,我不赞成这样。We got on very well, and she was very nice-looking.我们相处得很融洽,而且她非常漂亮。Surprisingly, my mother-in-law and I get along very well.让人感到意外的是,丈母娘和我相处甚洽。Despite our differences in outlook, we got along together very well.虽然我们的观点不同,但我们相处得很好。He made out very well as a salesman.他当推销员干得很不错。




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