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词汇 上校
例句 Captain Walker led a charge straight into an enemy stronghold.沃克上校领着队伍直接冲向敌人的堡垒。The colonel rebelled in protest over his transfer, saying it amounted to exile.上校抗命,反对调动,说调动无异于放逐。A colonel ranks higher than a major.上校的军衔比少校的高。The colonel's reputation is now more satanic than before.上校比以前更为恶名昭著。The Colonel bowed his head and whispered a prayer of thanksgiving.上校低下头,低声做感恩祷告。A general outranks a colonel.将军比上校军阶高。Clarence screws up his face and imitates the Colonel again.克拉伦斯又板起面孔,模仿起上校来。Colonel Casado was anxious to negotiate a surrender.卡萨多上校急于谈判请降。The irate colonel blared at the troops for letting down the regiment.怒气冲冲的上校向士兵们吼叫,因为他们给全团丢了脸。The colonel forbade the use of artillery lest the city's industry be damaged.上校禁止使用大炮,以免该城的工业遭受破坏。The colonel rushed up to Earle, shaking his gun at him.上校挥舞着枪冲向厄尔。The colonel was not only embarrassed, he was consternated.上校不但窘困,而且惊恐失色。The colonel gave the order for the men to stand to attention.上校命令部下立正。The colonel was apoplectic with rage.上校气愤得满脸通红。Zlotin was a Colonel with the Russian Special Forces.兹洛京是俄罗斯特种部队的一名上校The colonel had given orders for the spy's execution.上校已下令处决间谍。Colonel Moore was a kind and sympathetic man, but no pushover.穆尔上校是一位和善有同情心的人,但绝不耳软心活。The colonel was able to orchestrate a rebellion from inside an army jail.这位上校得以在军队监狱里策动了一场哗变。The Colonel chewed Captain Pritchard's ear about slackness in his company.上校因为普里查德上尉手下的懈怠而严厉批评了他。The captain's face darkened as he read.上校读着读着脸色就阴沉下来。The colonel led a successful raid against a rebel base.上校成功地指挥了一场对叛军基地发动的袭击。Each regiment was officered with a Colonel.每个团都配了一名上校The colonel said that Mr. Clark could be his aide-de camp.上校说克拉克先生可以做他的副官。Colonel Sailing commands the Guards Regiment.赛林上校统率着近卫团。The Monsignor turned his gaze from the flames to meet the Colonel's.这位大人凝视的目光离开火苗,与上校的目光相遇。The Captain pulled rank and made his sergeant row the entire way.上校摆出上级的架子,让他的中士划船划了一路。The Colonel lifted the phone and dialed his superior.上校拿起电话,打给他的长官。My duties brought me into frequent contact with Captain Nagumo.我的工作使我经常要接触南云上校The colonel gave the order to charge.上校发出冲锋令。The Colonel and his forces were a day's march away.上校和他的部队还有一天的行程。The government accorded him the rank of Colonel.政府授予他上校军衔。The Colonel opens his garden for the National Gardens scheme.为了贯彻全国公园计划,上校将自己的花园向公众开放。Kramer made a point of looking very bored while the colonel was speaking.上校在讲话时,克雷默故意显得很厌倦。I was placed next to Colonel Pickering at the dinner table.我被安排在皮克林上校旁边的餐桌位置就座。A colonel is subordinate to a brigadier general.上校级别低于准将。The Colonel bowed his head and whispered a prayer of thanksgiving.这位上校低头轻声做感恩祈祷。Colonel is the military rank between lieutenant-colonel and brigadier.上校是介于中校和准将之间的军衔。Colonel Moore was no pushover. He wouldn't let anyone tell him what to do.穆尔上校可不好对付,他是不会让别人对他指手画脚的。Colonel Hardy would like to see every tank with a computerized aid.哈迪上校希望看到每辆坦克都配有电脑化辅助装置。After a word with the colonel he went away.他和上校简单谈过之后走了。




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