例句 |
The audience exploded with/in/into laughter. 观众中爆发出一阵笑声。The comedian is a laugh a line.那位喜剧演员每念一句台词就激起一阵笑声。His comments prompted an explosion of laughter from the crowd.他的评论使人群中爆发出一阵笑声。There was an explosion of laughter as he entered the room.他进屋的时候,突然有一阵笑声爆发出来。A laugh rang out behind me.一阵笑声从我背后响了起来。A ripple of laughter ran around the room.屋里回荡着一阵笑声。His remarks sent a ripple of laughter through the audience.他的话激起了观众的一阵笑声。 |