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词汇 一起吃
例句 Come and have supper with us on Wednesday, if you're free.如果你有空的话,周三晚上来和我们一起吃晚饭吧。Even the thought of having lunch with him made me a nervous wreck, much as I wanted to go.尽管我很想去,但是一想到和他一起吃午饭我就紧张得要崩溃。The bread's texture makes it a natural for eating with stew.这种口感的面包非常适合和炖菜一起吃I arranged to meet her for lunch.我安排了和她一起吃午饭。We have lunch together once a month.我们每个月在一起吃一次午餐。We had a lovely tea - Sheila did us proud.我们一起吃了可口的茶点——希拉对我们真热情。Why don't we meet for lunch one day next week?我们何不在下周的某一天一起吃顿午饭?Will you join us for dinner?你和我们一起吃晚饭好吗? Join us for dinner if you feel so disposed. 如果你有意,就来跟我们一起吃晚饭吧。Hey, let's do lunch next week.嗨,我们下星期一起吃午饭吧。Come and have a spot of lunch with me.来和我一起吃点儿午饭吧。Perhaps as it is so close to noon, you would do me the honour of having lunch with me.很快到中午了,不知道你能不能赏光和我一起吃个饭。Say, Leo, how would you like to have dinner one night, just you and me?哎,利奥,找个晚上一起吃顿饭如何,就你和我?He was supposed to meet me for lunch but he blew me off.他本该跟我一起吃午饭,但他失约了。It's still early. He may yet join us for dinner. 时间还早呢,他可能过会儿才和咱们一起吃晚饭。Have some dinner with us - you must be famished!和我们一起吃点儿饭吧——你一定饿坏了!My house guest and I had breakfast together.我和暂住家里的客人一起吃了早餐。I had lunch with some business associates.我和几个生意伙伴一起吃的午饭。When foods from different plant sources are eaten together, deficiency in one is compensated for by sufficiency in another.不同蔬果类食物一起吃的话,在一种中缺乏的营养可以从另一种含量丰富的食物中补充。Is there any time in your busy schedule for us to have lunch next week?下周你能不能在百忙之中抽出时间我们一起吃个午饭?We hooked up for lunch at Toscana in Brentwood.我们在布伦特伍德的托斯卡纳碰头一起吃午饭。You and I must have lunch together real soon.你我必须尽快一起吃午饭。Have you got any cheese I can have with this bread?你有没有奶酪,我好就着面包一起吃Peasants share meals of autumn abundance with us.农民们和我们一起吃秋收之后的丰盛饭菜。Are you pressed for time, Mr Bayliss? If not, I suggest we have lunch.你时间紧吗,贝利斯先生?如果不紧,不如我们一起吃午饭吧。Meals are taken communally with other guests in the dining-room. Private bathrooms and toilets are unheard of.饭是在餐室和其他宾客一起吃。私人浴室和卫生间是闻所未闻的。I thought you might want to join me for dinner.我想你兴许愿意和我一起吃晚饭。Please come by and have dinner with us.请到我家来一起吃晚饭。She was having lunch with the boss.她正在与老板一起吃午饭。Why don't you come over and have dinner with us sometime?你为什么不找个时间过来和我们一起吃顿饭?He made some salads to have with the barbecue.他做了一些色拉跟烤肉一起吃She had hugged him exuberantly and invited him to dinner the next day.她兴高采烈地拥抱了他,并邀请他第二天一起吃晚饭。Why don't you stay and have lunch with us?你何不留下来跟我们一起吃午饭呢?Shall we meet somewhere for lunch?.我们找地方见面一起吃个午饭好不好?Let's get things straight. I didn't lunch with her.咱们把事情说清楚。我没有和她一起吃午饭。Next time you're here let's have lunch together.下次你来这儿时我们一起吃午饭吧。He dropped me a hint over dinner.我们一起吃饭时他给了我暗示。When my friend still lived here, we would eat lunch together every day.我的朋友还住在这里时,我们每天都一起吃午饭。Let's meet for lunch one day next week.下周我们定个日子一起吃午饭吧。We were to have had dinner together yesterday evening, but he stood me up.我们昨晚本来要一起吃晚饭的,但他爽约了。




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