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词汇 草原
例句 The coyote appears in a great deal of Native American folklore.许多美国本土的民间故事中都有草原狼。The spread of the prairies was indeed a startling sight.草原的浩瀚确是奇观。The onslaught of a cold winter made the food very scarce in the prairies.寒冷的冬天来袭,使得草原上的食物变得稀少。Pollution led to a shrinkage of grasslands.污染导致了草原面积的缩小。Flames and smoke billowed over the prairie.草原上空烟火滚滚。Forests interdigitate with the grassland.森林和草原错杂相间。Cattle move freely across the grassy plain.牛群自由自在地走过草原Stormy weather has greened pastures.暴风雨天气使草原恢复了绿色的生机。Grassy plains used to cover large portions of America's midsection.草原曾经覆盖了美国中部的大部分地区。Summer came and flowers coloured the Alpine meadows.夏天来了,花朵将阿尔卑斯山的草原点缀得五彩缤纷。I saw a low rounded hill far across the grassy plain.我看到草原远处有一座低矮的圆顶山丘。The spread of the prairies was breathtaking.草原的浩瀚使人为之惊叹。The deer fell prey to coyotes.鹿成为了草原狼的猎物。Ancient habitats such as grasslands, bogs, and wetlands are rapidly disappearing.草原、沼泽和湿地等古老的天然栖息地正在迅速消失。His eyes got sore from the dust of the prairie roads.他的眼睛因受草原道路上尘埃的影响而疼痛发炎。Wildebeests can be seen everywhere on the African prairie.牛羚在非洲的草原上随处可见。The grassland is an important habitat for many wild flowers.草原是很多野花的重要生长地。Broad prairies stretch out as far as the eye can see.辽阔的草原一望无边。Most rhinoceroses are solitary inhabitants of open grassland, savanna, scrub forest, or marsh in eastern and southern Africa and tropical Asia.大多数犀牛孤居在宽阔的草原,热带的稀树大草原,灌木林或东南非和亚热带的沼泽里。The Huns, normally a peaceful race, launched an invasion into Europe via the Caspian Steppes.一向爱好和平的匈奴人经由里海草原发动进攻,入侵欧洲。




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